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1 byte removed, 18:47, 6 August 2008
Surprisingly underpowered, axes are not the best choice for big damage. One-handed Axes have decent damage and attack rate, but can't match the top swords (for Barbarians) or hammers. Two-handed axes are decent damage, but less than spears or polearms, and have much less range, a big consideration for Barbs using Whirlwind.
HK's edit: for classic: naga's nagas (1 handed axe) and ancient axes (AA) (2 handed axe) have no dex req. also, the naga has a range 3 (range 3 is much nicer than the bh=battle hammer 's range 1) (i think no 1 hand weapons get more than range 3), and AA has a range of 4 (only one less range than max range of 5 like some spears and pole arms so they do NOT "have much less range"
=One-Handed Axes=