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Set Items Catalog

746 bytes added, 19:24, 17 August 2008
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This is a quick summary list of all the set items available in D2X.
* iLevel is the level which the Monster must be in order to drop these items.
* cLevel is the minimum character level you need to be in order to wear the ENTIRE set. Some sets have the same cLevel for all items in the set. Other sets have different cLevel for each item.

{| width="100%"
! width="40%" |Set Name
! width="15%" |iLevel
! width="15%" |cLevel
! Notes
| '''Aldur's Watchtower'''
| 29
| 76
| Designed for a shape-shifting Druid with armor, mace, boots and a class-specific Druid-only helm.
| '''Angelic Raiment'''
| 17
| 12
| Mainly a defensive set, offers Replenish Life, +50% magic find, 50% fire resistance, extra damage to undead.
[[Category:Set Items]]