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[[Set Items]] are collections of matched equipment that give special bonuses when worn together. Each item in the set has properties always found on that item. Wearing multiple items from the same set will give special "partial" set bonuses, and wearing the full set will give a still larger full set bonus.
This is a quick summary list of all the set items available in D2X.
* iLevel is the level which the Monster must be in order to drop these items.
* cLevel is the minimum character level you need to be in order to wear the ENTIRE set. Some sets have the same cLevel for all items in the set. Other sets have different cLevel for each item.
! width="20%"|Set Name
! iLevel
! cLevel
! Notes
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Aldurs_Watchtower Aldur's Watchtower]
| 29
| 76
| Designed for a shape-shifting Druid with armor, mace, boots and a class-specific Druid-only helm.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Angelic_Raiment Angelic Raiment]
| 17
| 12
| Mainly a defensive set, offers Replenish Life, +50% magic find, 50% fire resistance, extra damage to undead. Amulet, ring, armor, sword.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Arcannas_Tricks Arcanna's Tricks]
| 20
| 15
| Somewhat designed for a Sorceress with amulet, headgear, armor, staff. Provides fastest cast rate and decent +mana bonus. Probably only good for earlier levels.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Arctic_Gear Arctic Gear]
| 3
| 2
| Low level Amazon gets cold damage with good duration, cold resistance and rare "Cannot be frozen" property. Gloves, belt, armor, bow.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Berserkers_Arsenal Berserker's Arsenal]
| 5
| 3
| Not bad for a low level Barbarian, though it uses an Axe rather than a Sword. Axe, armor, headgear.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Bul-Kathos_Children Bul-Kathos' Children]
| 50
| 66
| Designed for a Barbarian to dual-wield, for which it can be quite potent. 2 swords.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Cathans_Traps Cathan's Traps]
| 15
| 11
| Sorceress set with a staff. Balances between melee and spell casting. Ring, amulet, headgear, armor, staff.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Civerbs_Vestments Civerb's Vestments]
| 13
| 9
| Designed for Paladins with scepter, shield and amulet. Amulet is particularly nice with Regen Mana and Replenish Life.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Cleglaws_Brace Cleglaw's Brace]
| 6
| 4
| A melee fighter set with potentially good Crushing Blow and attack speed. Sword, shield, gloves.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Cow_Kings_Leathers Cow King's Leathers]
| 20 (Cow Level)
| 25*
| Useful for melee fighters with the GIAS full set bonus. Headgear, armor, boots. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Deaths_Disguise Death's Disguise]
| 8
| 6
| Sword, belt and gloves, but the weapon has fairly low damage. Good resistances make you nearly poison-proof and freeze-proof.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Griswolds_Legacy Griswold's Legacy]
| 44
| 69*
| Made for a Paladin with scepter, headgear, armor, shield. Notable is the +2 to all devensive auras. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Heavens_Brethren Heaven's Brethren]
| 55
| 81*
| Good for a melee fighter with armor, spiked club, heml and shield. Weapon damage increases based on cLevel. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Hsarus_Defense Hsaru's Defense]
| 4
| 3
| With only belt, shield and boots, this set is unusual for its lack of weapon.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Hwanins_Majesty Hwanin's Majesty]
| 28
| 45*
| Designed for a melee fighter with armor, polearm, helm and belt. Provides GIAS, +30 all resistances and +20 life steal. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Immortal_King Immortal King]
| 37
| 76*
| Again for a melee fighter - armor, mace, class-specific Barbarian-only helm and boots, though the full set is for a Barbarian. *Set items have a wide-range of varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Infernal_Tools Infernal Tools]
| 7
| 5
| Nice for a low-mid level Necromancer, with +2 to all Necromancer skills. Belt, wand, headgear.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Irathas_Finery Iratha's Finery]
| 21
| 15
| Headgear, gloves, belt and amulet - unusual in that there is no weapon in this set. Notable for providing huge resistances. Most resistances from any item set.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Isenharts_Armory Isenhart's Armory]
| 21
| 8
| Melee-oriented set with sword, armor, headgear and shield. One of the least used sets as weapon doesn't do enough damage.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/M%27avinas_Battle_Hymn M'avina's Battle Hymn]
| 21
| 70*
| Made for a Bowazon Amazon with a class-specific Amazon-only bow, armor, headgear, belt and gloves. Notable for pluses to Passive and Magic skills for the Amazon. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Milabregas_Regalia Milabrega's Regalia]
| 23
| 17
| Very much for a Paladin with scepter, armor, headgear and shield. Gives +3 to Paladin skills.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Najs_Ancient_Set Naj's Ancient Set]
| 43
| 78*
| Staff, armor and headgear provide +3 to all skills (not class-specific), but kind of aimed at casting classes with pluses to cast rate and mana. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Natalyas_Odium Natalya's Odium]
| 22
| 79*
| Clearly aimed at the Assassin with class-specific Assassin-only claws, headgear, armor and boots. In particular aimed at a Martial Arts assassin. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Orphans_Call Orphan's Call]
| 41
| 42*
| Mostly for a melee character with shield, headgear, belt and gloves. No weapon. Notable is the shield with highest blocking value of any shield in the game. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Sanders_Folly Sander's Folly]
| 20
| 28*
| Designed for a Necromancer using headgear, wand, gloves and boots. Cap's defense increases based on cLevel. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Sazabis_Grand_Tribute Sazabi's Grand Tribute]
| 34
| 73*
| Good for a Paladin melee fighter. Sword, armor and headgear. High AR and Damage vs. Demons. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Sigons_Complete_Steel Sigon's Complete Steel]
| 9
| 6
| When they say "complete", they aren't kidding! Notable for using 60% of your equipment slots, as a set: armor, headgear, shield, gloves, boots, belt. Shield alone is very useful. The rest of the set is not aimed at any one class.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Tal_Rashas_Wrappings Tal Rasha's Wrappings]
| 26
| 71*
| Made for a fire-based Sorceress. Uses armor, belt, headgear, amulet and class-specific Sorceress-only orb. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Tancreds_Battlegear Tancred's Battlegear]
| 27
| 20
| As a set of headgear, amulet, boots, armor and hammer (military pick), this is an notable set. Individually, not so much.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/The_Disciple The Disciple]
| 39
| 65*
| Most likely benefits a melee character. Of the armor, belt, gloves, boots and amulet, the gloves are very popular. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Trang-Ouls_Avatar Trang-Oul's Avatar]
| 32
| 65*
| Optimized for a Necromancer with clas-specific shield, armor, helm, belt and gloves. Helm gives +150 mana, but entire set gives many good bonuses. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Vidalas_Rig Vidala's Rig]
| 18
| 14
| Made for an Amazon with a bow, amulet, armor and boots. Bow and armor can both increase based on character level.