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Bat Demon

37 bytes added, 16:19, 4 September 2008
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{{Monster navbox|{{Monstertype}}|{{Animals}}|{{Guest Monsters|s}}}}Bat Demons are [[Animals]].
'''Bat demons Demons''' are small, winged, aerial attackers reminiscent of the Blink type monsters from Diablo I. Unique amongst Diablo II monsters, bat demons hang from the ceiling (or thin air, on outdoor levels) and only drop down once a character is within their melee attack range. They can be targeted while on the ceiling, and can be hit by ranged attacks, or will drop down once a character is nearby. Bat demons are fond of flying away when they are low on hit points, and must be killed quickly, or pursued to their new perch.
* All values are listed by difficulty level: '''[[Normal ]] / [[Nightmare ]] / [[Hell]].'''
* The TC/Rune drops listed are the highest [[Treasure Class]]/[[Rune Group]] a normal monster of that type can drop.
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* Regen Rate tells what % of a monster's hit points are recovered per second. Standard is 1.2/sec.
* Resistances over 99% are listed as immunities and monsters will take no damage from that type of attack.
* [[Guest Monsters]] are found only in [[Act FiveV]], and only on [[Nightmare ]] and [[Hell ]] difficulty levels.
* Monsters in areas marked "Boss Only" will only appear as random bosses or champions.
* Monsters in areas marked "No Boss" will never appear as random bosses or champions.