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45 bytes removed, 02:35, 4 November 2008
Party Options
* When you click any of these icons icons, the affected player receives a notification.
'''Neutral/Hostile:''' Clicking the crossed swords icon will declare hostility on the chosen player, and enable your character to deal damage to them (and them to you). If you declare hostility on a player in a party, your declaration affects everyone in the party at once, and exits you from that party if you are a member of it. A character can only go hostile while in town, and doing so immediately exits them from their party and closes their town portal. Hostility can only be declared once per minute/per character, to prevent grief-motivated hostility spamming.
'''Include/Exclude:''' Excluding a player from chat means they will not "hear" anything you "say" when you type messages. This effectively makes your typed messages a group whisper to every character but the excluded one. Click the button again to include (stop excluding) the player.
'''Squelch/Unsquelch:''' This button mutes the selected player, making it so that their messages will not appear on your screen.
'''Allow Loot:''' This option, <u>available only in Hardcore mode</u>, permits the designated characters to take the items off of your corpse when (if) you die. It's common practice for hardcore players to allow friends looting privileges, though many is the HC player who has cursed his fate when dying unexpectedly, without allowing his friends this option. Allowing it to strangers in a public game can be a risky proposition, since it might encourage them to try to go hostile on you, and even if they do not, and you die to a monster, and they loot you, there's nothing that says they have to give you your equipment back. Still, if you do not set loot you will surely lose everything upon death, and if someone PKs you you can probably exit the game after you die, but before they're able to get to your corpse to claim their spoils.