User talk:Leord

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I like to help out when I see something I know isn't quite correct, after all, we're all here for the same reason. I've noticed there's a couple of items missing that I might try and add at some point (one of the unique sorceress wands is one, I can't remember the other right now). --(20:57, 21 August 2008 Luthor).

Hi Luthor, I made a reply here. =) --Leord 16:01, 26 August 2008 (CEST)


Hi Leord, thanks for the greets. This is not my first wiki experience - i've worked on plenty of others including the big one - but I had just re-started my D2 career after a prolonged absence. Back when I used to rule the world, was the place to go for info. Now it's, and diablowiki is just linked off of it - fine and dandy. Hope I can contribute some more. --Denzera 00:26, 10 January 2009 (EST)

thanks :)[edit]

Hello, thanks for the greeting :)

Yes, I saw your message on the calculations talk page, many thanks. I went to the forum, but I admit to not really feeling like giving a real mail address to register - I like my anonymity, which I think I don't abuse ^_-

I do have some experience on wikis. I'm not sure how much I'll contribute here, though, my first goal is trying to figure out calculations formulas :)

Crazy Dropper 22:59, 30 January 2009 (CET)

I made a reply on your talk page. =) --Leord 15:34, 3 February 2009 (CET)
Hello. Yes I do read my talk page, but I don't necessarily reply :)
As for levels and such, my suggestion would be to do small basic templates that could be substitued to fast-start a page (I copied from Tristam for the Chaos Sanctuary).
Crazy Dropper 15:11, 9 February 2009 (CET)
Moved your comment over to your page, so let's keep this topic there! =) --Leord 15:24, 11 February 2009 (CET)


I´m havin no previous experience in dia wiki. Thought I´ll be learning on the way... :D
And yes I´m from Finland. Dominic isn´t the real name of mine.
18:14, 9 February 2009 DominicFIN

Oki, I'm replying on your page =) --Leord 15:26, 11 February 2009 (CET)

re greeting[edit]

Thanks for the greeting (which is pretty much what everyone else seems to be saying). No, it's not my first edit in a wiki. I used to be quite active on the Guild Wars wiki, and I've changed my share of words on Wikipedia, as well.

I haven't had time to look, but, for instance, on items pages, there's a block of repeated information. Is it templated? MarauderIIC 05:28, 18 February 2009 (CET)

I see they haven't. Templated all the set items! Feel free to spread the word about/be aware of Template:All Set Notes, Template:Armor Notes, Template:Weapon Notes, Template:Shield Notes, and Template:General Item Notes since you seem to be on top of things around here. :) MarauderIIC 09:01, 18 February 2009 (CET)
Just in case you go here for your updates, I replied on your page, and we can keep the discussion in one page =) --Leord 15:21, 26 February 2009 (CET)

Re: Greeting[edit]

Hope this isn't some kind of faux-pas.
Taking my cues from MarauderIIC, this is a quick "received, responding", and referring you to my full reply here.

Hello, and thanks for the greeting.
This is (was?) my first wiki edit, anywhere, so I've got a lot to learn (about the etiquette, syntax, interface, etc.) (Edit: Timestamp.) --Sing in Silence 03:35, 2 April 2009 (CEST)

I made a reply on your page =) --Leord 13:38, 2 April 2009 (CEST)

(standard greeting thanks response)[edit]

Yes I do have wiki experience. To be honest what I did was just a copy/paste job so it wasn't much. I'm back after a very long absence do D2X and basically am just trying to figure out what I can make with my crappy low-level runes. I'll probably do the rest of them this weekend. --Dan

Haha, contrary to what you might believe, I don't have a standard response. I just often write very similar, so it has been kind of ingrained in me =) Really glad to have another experienced wiki user here, regardless, have you done it in DW before, or wikipedia, or the like? --Leord 15:43, 2 April 2009 (CEST)
Corporate wikis --Dan
Ah, that makes sense. I assume the style might be a bit different? Two things I thought about: Could you do the full signature, so date also is added? and it's usually custom to keep a discussion where it started, like, I could keep the discuttion at your page if someone posted there =) I spend many hours making the help section, and the Help:Talk is usefull for all the quirks of the DiabloWiki =)
Got any new project brewing? --Leord 17:23, 2 April 2009 (CEST)


Hey Leord,

I looked into the changes you'd like for the skill progression template (D3 support, 5 lvl vs 20 lvl skills). It is possible and fairly easy, however, you would have to install a couple extensions to mediawiki and be running v1.14 or later (I'm assuming you're using 2.0).

This extension would allow loop programming logic, so combine that with #if and #switch and the sky is the limit. It does also require the variable extension to be installed for it to work. If you're able to get these installed let me know and I can update the templates to support D3 (and probably be able to create some other pretty cool features). JMJimmy 18:33, 26 October 2009 (CET)

Oh, awesome! Will talk to Rushster, the admin, who also adds things to DW :) --Leord 18:35, 26 October 2009 (CET)
Any word? JMJimmy 21:42, 4 November 2009 (CET)
Sorry he has been away a lot. However, think you could help me upgrade the Diablo 3 Wiki templates for like infoboxes and stuff? So it doesn't show boxes that are not used? --Leord 11:22, 5 November 2009 (CET)

Thanks for the Welcome[edit]

Much appreciate your introduction to this wikia, I like it a lot better than this one [1]. Yup, I'm not that social as I've been spending much time revisiting the original Diablo. WildKard 20:31, 5 December 2009 (UTC)

This isn't a wikia, that's the point! :) I'm *quite* fond of it myself, and very glad you're helping out with the D1 stuff. Do you have other experience in wikis then?
What we really could use is a re-structure of the D1 section, into smarter names, smarter navigation, separated pages etc. I'm not asking you to take on this as a massive project, but a little fiddling in the right direction would be cool. :) Any thoughts? --Leord 11:04, 7 December 2009 (UTC)


I just noticed the message you sent me way back in January in regards to the editing of the level pages. I have been busy with college stuff recently, so I've been slacking. I will continue to do what I can depending on time and dedication. Psyrus 12:30, 2 April 2010 (PDT)

I got your message[edit]

Thank you for your comments. I was thinking about transitioning to set items and crafted items after detailing the runes, but I am open to collaborating on the unique items. --Tobinidas 22:30, 23 April 2010 (PDT)