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Crafting FAQ

181 bytes removed, 08:56, 5 March 2009
Are there any good crafting recipes in v1.09?: rm broken links
== Are there any good crafting recipes in v1.09? ==
Yes, though most players are ignorant of them. Lots of players like [ Hit Power gloves], which come with knockback, for their Bowazons. Hit Power gloves require an Ort, perfect Sapphire, and any jewel, as well as magical Chain Gloves or Heavy Bracers or Vambraces. You can buy or gamble chain gloves easily, so the number of these you make is limited only by how many Orts and Sapphires you find or trade for.
Blood [images/blood-ring.shtml rings ]and [images/blood-amulet.shtml amulets], as well as Caster [images/caster-ring1.shtml rings] and [images/caster-amulet1.shtml amulets ]are potentially very nice as well.
[[Image:blood-amulet3.jpg|frame|Dual leech lives!]]