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Assassin Traps

9,681 bytes removed, 11:47, 16 October 2009
==[[{{:Fire Blast]]=='''Required Level:''' 1<br />'''Prerequisites''': None<br />'''Synergies:''' * [[Shock Web]]: +9% Fire Damage Per Level* [[Charged Bolt Sentry]]: +9% Fire Damage Per Level* [[Wake of Fire]]: +9% Fire Damage Per Level* [[Lightning Sentry]]: +9% Fire Damage Per Level* [[Wake of Inferno]]: +9% Fire Damage Per Level* [[Death Sentry]]: +9% Fire Damage Per Level'''Details:''' This skill gives an [[Assassin]] the ability to manufacture and throw a small incendiary device. This ordinance explodes on impact, damaging any foe within its small blast radius.{|! Level! 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10! 11! 12! 13! 14! 15! 16! 17! 18! 19! 20|-| Mana Cost| 3| 3.1| 3.2| 3.3| 3.5| 3.6| 3.7| 3.8| 4| 4.1| 4.2| 4.3| 4.5| 4.6| 4.7| 4.8| 5| 5.1| 5.2| 5.3|-| Fire Damage| 3-4| 4-6| 6-9| 7-11| 9-14| 10-16| 12-19| 13-21| 17-27| 21-32| 25-38| 29-43| 33-49| 37-54| 41-60| 45-65| 55-77| 65-89| 75-101| 85-113|}}
==[[Shock Web]]==
'''Required Level:''' 6<br />
'''Prerequisites''': [[Fire Blast]]<br/>
* [[Fire Blast]]: +1 Missile Per 3 Levels
* [[Charged Bolt Sentry]]: +11% Lightning Damage Per Level
* [[Lightning Sentry]]: +11% Lightning Damage Per Level
* [[Death Sentry]]: +11% Lightning Damage Per Level
'''Details:''' These traps comprise a collection of small conductive components that arc electricity between one another, damaging any opponents who tread upon them.
! Level
! 1
! 2
! 3
! 4
! 5
! 6
! 7
! 8
! 9
! 10
! 11
! 12
! 13
! 14
! 15
! 16
! 17
! 18
! 19
! 20
! Mana cost
| colspan=20 | 6
! Spikes
| 6
| 6
| 6
| 7
| 7
| 7
| 7
| 8
| 8
| 8
| 8
| 9
| 9
| 9
| 9
| 10
| 10
| 10
| 10
| 11
! Lightning damage
| 1-10
| 1-13
| 1-16
| 1-19
| 1-22
| 1-25
| 1-28
| 1-31
| 1-37
| 1-43
| 1-49
| 1-55
| 1-61
| 1-67
| 1-73
| 1-79
| 1-89
| 1-99
| 1-109
| 1-119
! Duration
| colspan=20 | 3.6 seconds
==[[Blade Sentinel]]=='''Casting Delay]''': 2 Seconds<br />'''Required Level{{:''' 6<br />'''Prerequisites''': None<br />'''Synergies:''' None<br>'''Details:''' This skill allows the [[Assassin]] to throw a razor-sharp device that flies back and forth between the Assassin and its target, slicing any hostile creatures in its path.{| ! Level! 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10! 11! 12! 13! 14! 15! 16! 17! 18! 19! 20|-! Mana cost| colspan=20 | 7|-! Duration (seconds)| 4| 4.4| 4.9| 5.4| 5.9| 6.4| 6.8| 7.3| 7.8| 8.3| 8.8| 9.2| 9.7| 10.2| 10.7| 11.2| 11.6| 12.1| 12.6| 13.1|-! Damage| 6-10| 9-13| 12-16| 15-19| 18-22| 21-25| 24-28| 27-31| 31-35| 35-39| 39-43| 43-47| 47-51| 51-55| 55-59| 59-63| 64-68| 69-73| 74-78| 79-83|Shock Web}}
==[[Charged Bolt Sentry]]==
'''Required Level:''' 12<br />
'''Prerequisites''': [[Fire Blast]], [[Shock Web]]<br/>
* [[Shock Web]]: +1 Bolt Per 3 Levels
* [[Lightning Sentry]]: +1 Shot Per 4 Levels
* [[Fire Blast]]: +6% Lightning Damage Per Level
* [[Lightning Sentry]]: +6% Lightning Damage Per Level
* [[Death Sentry]]: +6% Lightning Damage Per Level
'''Details:''' This small device, once cast upon the ground, emits charges of electricity that shock any adversary who strays too close.
! Level
! 1
! 2
! 3
! 4
! 5
! 6
! 7
! 8
! 9
! 10
! 11
! 12
! 13
! 14
! 15
! 16
! 17
! 18
! 19
! 20
! Mana cost
| colspan=20 | 13
! Damage
| 1-7
| 1-10
| 1-13
| 1-16
| 1-20
| 1-23
| 1-26
| 1-29
| 1-33
| 1-38
| 1-42
| 1-46
| 1-50
| 1-55
| 1-59
| 1-63
| 1-69
| 1-76
| 1-82
| 1-89
! colspan=21 | Releases 5 Charged Bolts; shoots 5 times
==[[Wake Of Fire]]==
'''Required Level:''' 12<br />
'''Prerequisites''': [[Fire Blast]]<br />
* [[Fire Blast]]: +8% Fire Damage Per Level
* [[Wake of Inferno]]: +8% Fire Damage Per Level
'''Details:''' Once erected, this trap releases waves of flame that incinerate any opponents within its path.
! Level
! 1
! 2
! 3
! 4
! 5
! 6
! 7
! 8
! 9
! 10
! 11
! 12
! 13
! 14
! 15
! 16
! 17
! 18
! 19
! 20
| Mana Cost: 13
| Fire Damage
| 5-10
| 7-12
| 9-15
| 11-17
| 14-19
| 16-21
| 18-23
| 20-25
| 23-29
| 27-32
| 30-35
| 33-38
| 36-42
| 39-45
| 43-48
| 46-51
| 51-58
| 57-64
| 62-71
| 68-77
| Shoots 5 Times
{{:Blade Sentinel}}
==[[Blade Fury]]==
'''Required Level:''' 18<br />
'''Prerequisites''': [[Fire Blast]], [[Blade Sentinel]], [[Wake of Fire]]<br />
'''Synergies:''' None<br>
'''Details:''' Using this skill, the [[Assassin]] throws several small blades, shredding her enemies with a barrage of metal.
* Blade Fury doesn't use up durability of weapons, and can be used with an ethereal weapon.
* Blade Fury will attack constantly with 6 frames per second. It does not work with [[Burst of Speed]] or any other increased (or decreased) attack speed.
* Blade Fury accuracy is based on the Assassin's attack rating. Your chances of hitting a monster with a normal attack determine your chance with Blade Fury.
* Blade Fury does not work with [[Pierce]] or exploding arrow effects.
* Blade Fury works with effects on striking, but not on attack. Therefore, Curses and other effects can be triggered very fast.
* Additional skillpoints only yield negligible damage increase which is not further modified. The 3/4 of your weapon, however, benefit from all damage enchancers, e.g. the [[Claw Mastery]] (if the weapon is a claw).
! Level
! 1
! 2
! 3
! 4
! 5
! 6
! 7
! 8
! 9
! 10
! 11
! 12
! 13
! 14
! 15
! 16
! 17
! 18
! 19
! 20
| Minimum Mana Required To Cast: 3
| Mana Cost Per Blade
| 1
| 1.1
| 1.2
| 1.3
| 1.5
| 1.6
| 1.7
| 1.8
| 2
| 2.1
| 2.2
| 2.3
| 2.5
| 2.6
| 2.7
| 2.8
| 3
| 3.1
| 3.2
| 3.3
| Damage Per Blade
| 8-10
| 11-13
| 14-16
| 17-19
| 20-22
| 23-25
| 26-28
| 29-31
| 34-36
| 39-41
| 44-46
| 49-51
| 54-56
| 59-61
| 64-66
| 69-71
| 77-79
| 85-87
| 93-95
| 101-103
| +3/4 Weapon Damage
==[[Lightning Sentry]]=='''Required Level:''' 24<br />'''Prerequisites'''{{: [[Fire Blast]], [[Shock Web]], [[Charged Bolt Sentry]]<br>'''Synergies:'''* [[Shock Web]]: +12% Lightning Damage Per Level * [[Charged Bolt Sentry]]: +12% Lightning Damage Per Level * [[Death Sentry]]: +12% Lightning Damage Per Level '''Details:''' This device discharges great bolts of electricity, frying assailants when they come near.{| ! Level ! 1 ! 2 ! 3 ! 4 ! 5 ! 6 ! 7 ! 8 ! 9 ! 10 ! 11 ! 12 ! 13 ! 14 ! 15 ! 16 ! 17 ! 18 ! 19 ! 20 |-| Mana Cost: 20 | |-| Lightning Damage | 1-24 | 1-37 | 1-49 | 1-62 | 1-74 | 1-86 | 1-99 | 1-111 | 1-131 | 1-151 | 1-171 | 1-190 | 1-210 | 1-230 | 1-250 | 1-270 | 1-300 | 1-329 | 1-359 | 1-389 |-| Shoots 10 Times | |}}
==[[Wake Of Inferno]]==
'''Required Level:''' 24<br />
'''Prerequisites''': [[Fire Blast]], [[Wake Of Fire]]<br />
* [[Wake of Fire]]: +0.5 Yards Per Level
* [[Fire Blast]]: +10% Fire Damage Per Level
* [[Wake of Fire]]: +7% Fire Damage Per Level
* [[Death Sentry]]: +10% Fire Damage Per Level
'''Details:''' Once an [[Assassin]] throws it to the ground, this trap expels a large spout of fire at any opponent who moves within its range.
! Level
! 1
! 2
! 3
! 4
! 5
! 6
! 7
! 8
! 9
! 10
! 11
! 12
! 13
! 14
! 15
! 16
! 17
! 18
! 19
! 20
| Mana Cost: 20
| Fire Damage Per Second
| 12-30
| 22-42
| 32-53
| 43-65
| 53-76
| 63-88
| 74-99
| 84-111
| 97-125
| 110-139
| 123-153
| 135-167
| 148-181
| 161-195
| 174-209
| 187-223
| 202-240
| 218-257
| 234-274
| 250-291
| Shoots 10 Times
{{:Wake of Fire}}
==[[Death Sentry]]==
'''Required Level:''' 30<br />
'''Prerequisites''': [[Fire Blast]], [[Shock Web]], [[Charged Bolt Sentry]], [[Lightning Sentry]]<br />
* [[Fire Blast]]: +1 Shot Per 3 Levels
* [[Lightning Sentry]]: +12% Lightning Damage Per Level
'''Details:''' This trap emits projectiles laden with a potent chemical catalyst, detonating the exposed cadavers of slain enemies.
* Damage: 40-80% Of Corpse Life
* Shoots: 5 Times
! Level
! 1
! 2
! 3
! 4
! 5
! 6
! 7
! 8
! 9
! 10
! 11
! 12
! 13
! 14
! 15
! 16
! 17
! 18
! 19
! 20
| Mana Cost: 20
| Lightning Damage
| 1-56
| 1-64
| 1-73
| 1-82
| 1-91
| 1-100
| 1-109
| 1-118
| 1-134
| 1-150
| 1-165
| 1-181
| 1-197
| 1-212
| 1-228
| 1-244
| 1-268
| 1-293
| 1-318
| 1-342
| Corpse Explosion Radius (yards)
| 3.3
| 3.6
| 4
| 4.3
| 4.6
| 5
| 5.3
| 5.6
| 6
| 6.3
| 6.6
| 7
| 7.3
| 7.6
| 8
| 8.3
| 8.6
| 9
| 9.3
| 9.6
==[[Blade Shield]]=='''Required Level:''' 30<br />'''Prerequisites'''{{: [[Fire Blast]], [[Blade Sentinel]], [[Wake of Fire]], [[Blade Fury]]<br />}}'''Synergies:''' None<br>'''Details''' This contrivance releases several small razors and uses magnetic forces to set them spinning about the [[Assassin]], inflicting grievous wounds on any foe who approaches her too closely. Using Blade Shield will reduce the durability of your weapon.* This will not trigger "On Striking" spells. It will however, trigger On Attack spells.* Damage = +1/4 Weapon Damage {| {:Lightning Sentry}}! Level ! 1 ! 2 ! 3 {{:Wake of Inferno}}! 4 ! 5 ! 6 ! 7 {{:Death Sentry}}! 8 ! 9 ! 10 ! 11 ! 12 ! 13 ! 14 ! 15 ! 16 ! 17 ! 18 ! 19 ! 20 |-| Mana Cost | 27 | 29 | 31 | 33 | 35 | 37 | 39 | 41 | 43 | 45 | 47 | 49 | 51 | 53 | 55 | 57 | 59 | 61 | 63 | 65 |-| Duration (seconds) | 20 | 25 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50 | 55 | 60 | 65 | 70 | 75 | 80 | 85 | 90 | 95 | 100 | 105 | 110 | 115 |-| Damage | 1-30 | 6-35 | 11-40 | 16-45 | 21-50 | 26-55 | 31-60 | 36-65 | 42-71 | 48-77 | 54-83 | 60-89 | 66-95 | 72-101 | 78-107 | 84-113 | 91-120 | 98-127 | 105-134 | 112-141 |-| |{{:Blade Shield}}
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[[category:Assassin skills]]
[[catgegorycategory: d2 assassin strategy]]