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Druid Elemental Skills

16 bytes added, 16:02, 20 October 2009
{{Druid Skills}}Years of study and a life lived in harmony with nature have provided the [[Druids ]] a unique empathy with the world around them. These skills represent the Druids' ability to influence the forces of nature. Expertise in these skills allows them to strike at enemies from a distance, assault whole groups of enemies at once, and even protect themselves from the elemental attacks of others.
These skills were terribly underpowered when D2X was released, and remained that way for some time. The character was fun through normal, and could do some work in a solo game in nightmare, but these skills did not pack enough punch to be of any use in Hell. Several patches later, Elemental Druids can be played quite effectively, thanks to the extensive synergies woven throughout this skill tree.
Out of this entire skill tree, only [[Armageddon ]] can be cast while in [[Werewolf ]] or [[Werebear ]] form.