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1,020 bytes added, 14:06, 17 January 2012
The Hardcore Graveyard
=The Hardcore Graveyard=
No matter how careful and painstaking you areWhile Diablo III is going to introduce the {{iw|Halls_of_the_Dead Halls of the Dead}}, disaster an in-game UI feature that will strike sooner or laterdisplay dead HC characters in an {{iw|Armory Armory}} style display, there was no such feature in Diablo II. As a result, dead HC characters took up one of the eight character slots on a account unless/until they were deleted. This forced players to delete dead characters eventually to clear our space, which could be a sentimental moment for a player.  With no lasting memory on their own computer, players went to lengths to record their characters "deeds." Fansite [http://web.archive. Thereorg/web/20000815065452/ launched a Hardcore Graveyard] in mid-2000, just weeks after the game's a consolation prizerelease. It presented screenshots plus captions that shared various useful details about the tragedy: * Character Name, Class, Level, though; thanks to and Realm/SP:* Location of Death:* Cause of Death:* Details:* Greatest Regret:* Famous Last Words:* What Could Have Prevented This Tragedy: In the years since then, players have maintained other such graveyards. * [ Hardcore Graveyardforum]. Dead characters can be immortalized there, with a * [ Hardcore Graveyard screenshot and an appropriately categorized epitaphgallery].