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416 bytes added, 09:09, 15 October 2012
Ben Reply, and Brown Diablo: new section
Q: '''Benjamin:''' It says the pink lightning hose no longer hits melee attackers as of version 1.10, my repeated deaths from said pink hose (as an assassin, at point blank range) suggest it my have been un-nerfed in v1.12
== Ben Reply, and Brown Diablo ==
It seems SOMETIMES Diablo's pink lightning won't strike a melee fighter, the best way to avoid it is keep moving around, attacking from different angles until it stops working.
Also, I just fought a Brown Diablo, but didn't see any mention of it on here. I was soloing, players 8 in Nightmare (an idiotic attempt to get better items to fight in Hell, but he only dropped junk.)
