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Assassin Traps

24 bytes added, 22:21, 11 February 2008
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==Fire Blast==
'''Required Level:''' 1<br />'''Prerequisites''': None<br />
* Shock Web: +9% Fire Damage Per Level
* Wake of Inferno: +9% Fire Damage Per Level
* Death Sentry: +9% Fire Damage Per Level
'''EffectDetails:''': This skill gives an Assassin the ability to manufacture and throw a small incendiary device. This ordinance explodes on impact, damaging any foe within its small blast radius.
! Level
* Lightning Sentry: +11% Lightning Damage Per Level
* Death Sentry: +11% Lightning Damage Per Level
'''EffectDetails:''': These traps comprise a collection of small conductive components that arc electricity between one another, damaging any opponents who tread upon them.
! Level
'''Required Level:''' 6<br />
'''Prerequisites''': None<br />
'''EffectSynergies:'''None<br>'''Details: ''' This skill allows the Assassin to throw a razor-sharp device that flies back and forth between the Assassin and its target, slicing any hostile creatures in its path.
! Level
* Lightning Sentry: +6% Lightning Damage Per Level
* Death Sentry: +6% Lightning Damage Per Level
'''EffectDetails:''': This small device, once cast upon the ground, emits charges of electricity that shock any adversary who strays too close.
! Level
* Fire Blast: +8% Fire Damage Per Level
* Wake of Inferno: +8% Fire Damage Per Level
'''EffectDetails:''': Once erected, this trap releases waves of flame that incinerate any opponents within its path.
! Level
'''Required Level:''' 18<br />
'''Prerequisites''': Fire Blast, Blade Sentinel, Wake of Fire<br />
'''EffectSynergies:''' None<br>'''Details: ''' Using this skill, the Assassin throws several small blades, shredding her enemies with a barrage of metal.'''Notes:'''
* Blade Fury doesn't use up durability of weapons, and can be used with an ethereal weapon.
* Blade Fury will attack constantly with 6 frames per second. It does not work with Burst of Speed or any other increased (or decreased) attack speed.
* Charged Bolt Sentry: +12% Lightning Damage Per Level
* Death Sentry: +12% Lightning Damage Per Level
'''EffectDetails:''': This device discharges great bolts of electricity, frying assailants when they come near.
! Level
* Wake of Fire: +7% Fire Damage Per Level
* Death Sentry: +10% Fire Damage Per Level
'''EffectDetails:''': Once an Assassin throws it to the ground, this trap expels a large spout of fire at any opponent who moves within its range.
! Level
* Fire Blast: +1 Shot Per 3 Levels
* Lightning Sentry: +12% Lightning Damage Per Level
'''EffectDetails:''': This trap emits projectiles laden with a potent chemical catalyst, detonating the exposed cadavers of slain enemies. '''Notes:'''
* Damage: 40-80% Of Corpse Life
* Shoots: 5 Times
'''Required Level:''' 30<br />
'''Prerequisites''': Fire Blast, Blade Sentinel, Wake of Fire, Blade Fury<br />
'''EffectSynergies:''' None<br>'''Details''' This contrivance releases several small razors and uses magnetic forces to set them spinning about the Assassin, inflicting grievous wounds on any foe who approaches her too closely.Using Blade Shield will reduce the durability of your weapon.'''Notes:'''
* This will not trigger "On Striking" spells. It will however, trigger On Attack spells.
* Damage = +1/4 Weapon Damage
[[Category:Skill Trees]]