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Suicide Minion

6 bytes removed, 20:18, 8 May 2008
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Suicide Minions are [[Minion]]s who have been enraged by a [[Lasher]], or (less commonly) spawned as Suicide Minions. They are swollen and mutated, and charge at any valid target with one intent; to get close enough to explode. Their explosion does considerable physical + cold damage, and will always hit any targets in range (about 2 yards, approximately as far as a long melee weapon will reach), though it can be blocked or Dodged.
Suicide Minions deal zero damage to mercs, or other NPC party members (Summoned Skeletons, Revives, Spirits, Shadow Masters, Valkyries, etc) so these these associates can be used to harmlessly detonate the suiciders. Amazons especially enjoy casting a Decoy right next to a mob of Suicide Minions, and watching the ensuing carnage when the monsters sacrifice themselves without effect.
They are worth experience if killed, but not when they suicide. They do not drop any type of items, even when they spawn as bosses or champions. Their corpses can be utilized for healing skills, but will yield nothing to Find Item, and they can not be Revived.
Bronze Pal