From Diablo Wiki
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* iLevel is the level which the Monster must be in order to drop these items.
* cLevel is the minimum character level you need to be in order to wear the ENTIRE set. Some sets have the same cLevel for all items in the set. Other sets have different cLevel for each item.
! width="20%"|Set Name
| 70*
| Made for a Bowazon Amazon with a class-specific Amazon-only bow, armor, headgear, belt and gloves. Notable for pluses to Passive and Magic skills for the Amazon. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwiki.net/Milabregas_Regalia Milabrega's Regalia]
| 23
| 17
| Very much for a Paladin with scepter, armor, headgear and shield. Gives +3 to Paladin skills.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwiki.net/Najs_Ancient_Set Naj's Ancient Set]
| 43
| 78*
| Staff, armor and headgear provide +3 to all skills (not class-specific), but kind of aimed at casting classes with pluses to cast rate and mana. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwiki.net/Natalyas_Odium Natalya's Odium]
| 22
| 79*
| Clearly aimed at the Assassin with class-specific Assassin-only claws, headgear, armor and boots. In particular aimed at a Martial Arts assassin. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwiki.net/Orphans_Call Orphan's Call]
| 41
| 42*
| Mostly for a melee character with shield, headgear, belt and gloves. No weapon. Notable is the shield with highest blocking value of any shield in the game. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwiki.net/Sanders_Folly Sander's Folly]
| 20
| 28*
| Designed for a Necromancer using headgear, wand, gloves and boots. Cap's defense increases based on cLevel. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwiki.net/Sazabis_Grand_Tribute Sazabi's Grand Tribute]
| 34
| 73*
| Good for a Paladin melee fighter. Sword, armor and headgear. High AR and Damage vs. Demons. *Set items have varying cLevel.
[[Category:Set Items]]