From Diablo Wiki
Summary info on all set items
! Notes
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Aldurs_Watchtower Aldur's Watchtower]
| 29
| 76
| Designed for a shape-shifting Druid with armor, mace, boots and a class-specific Druid-only helm.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Angelic_Raiment Angelic Raiment]
| 17
| 12
| Mainly a defensive set, offers Replenish Life, +50% magic find, 50% fire resistance, extra damage to undead. Amulet, ring, armor, sword.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Arcannas_Tricks Arcanna's Tricks]
| 20
| 15
| Somewhat designed for a Sorceress with amulet, headgear, armor, staff. Provides fastest cast rate and decent +mana bonus. Probably only good for earlier levels.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Arctic_Gear Arctic Gear]
| 3
| 2
| Low level Amazon gets cold damage with good duration, cold resistance and rare "Cannot be frozen" property. Gloves, belt, armor, bow.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Berserkers_Arsenal Berserker's Arsenal]
| 5
| 3
| Not bad for a low level Barbarian, though it uses an Axe rather than a Sword. Axe, armor, headgear.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Bul-Kathos_Children Bul-Kathos' Children]
| 50
| 66
| Designed for a Barbarian to dual-wield, for which it can be quite potent. 2 swords.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Cathans_Traps Cathan's Traps]
| 15
| 11
| Sorceress set with a staff. Balances between melee and spell casting. Ring, amulet, headgear, armor, staff.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Civerbs_Vestments Civerb's Vestments]
| 13
| 9
| Designed for Paladins with scepter, shield and amulet. Amulet is particularly nice with Regen Mana and Replenish Life.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Cleglaws_Brace Cleglaw's Brace]
| 6
| 4
| A melee fighter set with potentially good Crushing Blow and attack speed. Sword, shield, gloves.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Cow_Kings_Leathers Cow King's Leathers]
| 20 (Cow Level)
| 25*
| Useful for melee fighters with the GIAS full set bonus. Headgear, armor, boots. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Deaths_Disguise Death's Disguise]
| 8
| 6
| Sword, belt and gloves, but the weapon has fairly low damage. Good resistances make you nearly poison-proof and freeze-proof.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Griswolds_Legacy Griswold's Legacy]
| 44
| 69*
| Made for a Paladin with scepter, headgear, armor, shield. Notable is the +2 to all devensive auras. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Heavens_Brethren Heaven's Brethren]
| 55
| 81*
| Good for a melee fighter with armor, spiked club, heml and shield. Weapon damage increases based on cLevel. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Hsarus_Defense Hsaru's Defense]
| 4
| 3
| With only belt, shield and boots, this set is unusual for its lack of weapon.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Hwanins_Majesty Hwanin's Majesty]
| 28
| 45*
| Designed for a melee fighter with armor, polearm, helm and belt. Provides GIAS, +30 all resistances and +20 life steal. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Immortal_King Immortal King]
| 37
| 76*
| Again for a melee fighter - armor, mace, class-specific Barbarian-only helm and boots, though the full set is for a Barbarian. *Set items have a wide-range of varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Infernal_Tools Infernal Tools]
| 7
| 5
| Nice for a low-mid level Necromancer, with +2 to all Necromancer skills. Belt, wand, headgear.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Irathas_Finery Iratha's Finery]
| 21
| 15
| Headgear, gloves, belt and amulet - unusual in that there is no weapon in this set. Notable for providing huge resistances. Most resistances from any item set.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Isenharts_Armory Isenhart's Armory]
| 21
| 8
| Melee-oriented set with sword, armor, headgear and shield. One of the least used sets as weapon doesn't do enough damage.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/M%27avinas_Battle_Hymn M'avina's Battle Hymn]
| 21
| 70*
| Made for a Bowazon Amazon with a class-specific Amazon-only bow, armor, headgear, belt and gloves. Notable for pluses to Passive and Magic skills for the Amazon. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Milabregas_Regalia Milabrega's Regalia]
| 23
| 17
| Very much for a Paladin with scepter, armor, headgear and shield. Gives +3 to Paladin skills.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Najs_Ancient_Set Naj's Ancient Set]
| 43
| 78*
| Staff, armor and headgear provide +3 to all skills (not class-specific), but kind of aimed at casting classes with pluses to cast rate and mana. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Natalyas_Odium Natalya's Odium]
| 22
| 79*
| Clearly aimed at the Assassin with class-specific Assassin-only claws, headgear, armor and boots. In particular aimed at a Martial Arts assassin. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Orphans_Call Orphan's Call]
| 41
| 42*
| Mostly for a melee character with shield, headgear, belt and gloves. No weapon. Notable is the shield with highest blocking value of any shield in the game. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Sanders_Folly Sander's Folly]
| 20
| 28*
| Designed for a Necromancer using headgear, wand, gloves and boots. Cap's defense increases based on cLevel. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowwikidiablowiki.net/Sazabis_Grand_Tribute Sazabi's Grand Tribute]
| 34
| 73*
| Good for a Paladin melee fighter. Sword, armor and headgear. High AR and Damage vs. Demons. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Sigons_Complete_Steel Sigon's Complete Steel]
| 9
| 6
| When they say "complete", they aren't kidding! Notable for using 60% of your equipment slots, as a set: armor, headgear, shield, gloves, boots, belt. Shield alone is very useful. The rest of the set is not aimed at any one class.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Tal_Rashas_Wrappings Tal Rasha's Wrappings]
| 26
| 71*
| Made for a fire-based Sorceress. Uses armor, belt, headgear, amulet and class-specific Sorceress-only orb. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Tancreds_Battlegear Tancred's Battlegear]
| 27
| 20
| As a set of headgear, amulet, boots, armor and hammer (military pick), this is an notable set. Individually, not so much.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/The_Disciple The Disciple]
| 39
| 65*
| Most likely benefits a melee character. Of the armor, belt, gloves, boots and amulet, the gloves are very popular. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Trang-Ouls_Avatar Trang-Oul's Avatar]
| 32
| 65*
| Optimized for a Necromancer with clas-specific shield, armor, helm, belt and gloves. Helm gives +150 mana, but entire set gives many good bonuses. *Set items have varying cLevel.
| [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Vidalas_Rig Vidala's Rig]
| 18
| 14
| Made for an Amazon with a bow, amulet, armor and boots. Bow and armor can both increase based on character level.
[[Category:Set Items]]