Base Item Levels

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Revision as of 15:56, 13 May 2009 by Jjscud (talk | contribs) (Put "quality level" back in as that's what the article is about. The page links in from "/ilvl" which is misleading as this isn't discussing ilvl.)
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The quality level of an item is used in many game calculations, including gambling. A character's clvl must meet or exceed the base item's level for that item to display in the gambling window. This relationship is complicated by an element of luck; when the item window is rolled, the clvl is calculated at +4/-5, for every item in the window that time. This makes no difference to high level characters, but in the low and mid levels it is a non-trivial issue.

For instance, the Coronet is base level 52, so a character as low as level 48 might see it (+4), while a character as high as 56 might not (-5).

To figure the odds of an item upgrading to Exceptional or Elite, factor in the Clvl again.

To figure out at what Character levels a base item type will be available for Gambling, subtract 4 from the item's quality level, for having a chance to upgrade to Exceptional subtract 5, and for Elite subtract 7. Note: Item types that are not listed are not available for Gambling.

The chances for every item quality are:

  • Unique: 1/2000 (.005%)
  • Set: 2/2000 (.01%)
  • Rare: 200/2000 (10%)
  • Magical: 1797/2000 (89%)
Level 1:
  • Amulet
  • Ring
  • Club
  • Short Sword
  • Short Bow
  • Cap
  • Quilted Armor
  • Buckler
  • Javelin
  • Katar

Level 2:

  • Throwing Knife

Level 3

  • Hand Axe
  • Dagger
  • Leather Armor
  • Leather Gloves
  • Boots
  • Sash

Level 4

  • Spiked Club

Level 5

  • Scimitar
  • Spear
  • Bardiche
  • Hunter's Bow
  • Skull Cap
  • Hard Leather Armor
  • Small Shield

Level 6

  • Large Axe
  • Light Crossbow

Level 7

  • Axe
  • Throwing Axe
  • Heavy Gloves
  • Heavy Boots
  • Light Belt

Level 8

  • Mace
  • Sabre
  • Long Bow
  • Studded Leather

Level 9

  • Dirk
  • Trident
  • Wrist Blade

Level 10

  • Pilum
  • Two-Handed Sword

Level 11

  • Falchion
  • Crystal Sword
  • Voulge
  • Helm
  • Ring Mail
  • Large Shield
  • Spiked Shield

Level 12

  • Broad Axe
  • Composite Bow
  • Chain Gloves
  • Chain Boots
  • Hatchet Hands
  • Belt

Level 13

  • Balanced Knife
  • Claws
  • Double Axe
  • Morning Star
  • Scale Mail

Level 15

  • Broad Sword
  • Scythe
  • Crossbow
  • Full Helm
  • Chain Mail
  • Kite Shield
  • Short Spear
  • Cestus

Level 16

  • Balanced Axe
  • Brandistock

Level 17

  • Battle Axe
  • Claymore
  • Kris

Level 18

  • Short Battle Bow
  • Breast Plate

Level 19

  • Military Pick
  • Flail
  • Mask
  • Bone Shield

Level 20

  • Long Sword
  • Spetum
  • Splint Mail
  • Light Gauntlets
  • Light Plated Boots
  • Heavy Belt

Level 21

  • Maul
  • Giant Sword
  • Poleaxe
  • Blade Talons

Level 22

  • Tower Shield
  • Bone Helm

Level 23

  • Great Axe
  • Blade
  • Long Battle Bow
  • Great Helm
  • Glaive

Level 24

  • Bastard Sword
  • Pike
  • Heavy Crossbow
  • Plate Mail
  • Scissors Katar
  • Circlet

Level 25

  • War Axe
  • War Hammer

Level 27

  • Giant Axe
  • War Sword
  • Flamberge
  • Short War Bow
  • Gauntlets
  • Greaves
  • Plated Belt

Level 28

  • Field Plate

Level 29

  • Halberd
  • Crown
  • Throwing Spear

Level 30

  • Gothic Shield

Level 31

  • Long War Bow

Level 32

  • Great Maul
  • Gothic Plate

Level 33

  • Great Sword
  • Repeating Crossbow

Level 34

  • War Scythe

Level 35

  • Light Plate

Level 37

  • Full Plate Mail

Level 40

  • Ancient Armor

Level 52

  • Coronet