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Sorceress Items

Class-specific items are much like other items. They have a variety of stats and types, can be found magical, Rare, Unique, and sometimes in Sets as well. The real difference is that these items can only be used by one character class, and they can have random bonuses to individual skills, much like the ones you see on wands/staves/scepters in Diablo II. This is in contrast with magic items possessing class-specific Skill Level and Sorceress Skill Tree prefixes, which may be used by classes other than the Sorceress without benefiting from the skill modifiers, and Staves, which can possess inherent bonuses of +1-3 skill points to up to three Sorceress skills from any of her skill trees.

Sorceresses have Orbs in the Expansion. Orbs are basically one-handed staves, so Sorceresses can now get +skills while still using a shield. Of course with blocking so nerfed for non-Dexterity characters, these aren't quite the god-send they would have been in Diablo II. All orbs have an inherent bonus to mana or life, usually +15-25 hit points.

Previous to Patch 1.13, no orbs could have any sockets, nor could you add one with the Socketing quest reward. Since 1.13, orbs can have up to 3 sockets. All orbs are still magical or better though, the inherent bonus always makes the orb count as magical, even if the game does not display them with white or gray text. Thus, even with sockets having been added in 1.13, no normal orbs means that you still can't create RuneWord orbs. And even if you could, the only possible Runeword is Venom (Tal Dol Mal), since it is the only <3 runes rune word that is allowed for all weapons. Do note that orbs don't seem to count as Melee weapons, since otherwise Fury, Malice, Strength and Wind would be valid, too.

Inherent BonusesEdit

Sorceress Orbs have a lot of potential inherent bonuses. One (and only one) of the modifiers in the table below should be found on every orb. You will just see the stats, not the actual modifier by name. These are inherent properties; and will usually appear on every type of orb, from non-magical to rare, crafted, and unique. The monster dropping the orb must of course be a high enough level to drop the inherent bonus for it to occur, as with all items and modifiers.

You can get other magical affixes in the same families, so you could get +45 life from "of the mammoth" on a Rare Orb, and get +33 life inherently on the same orb, and it would display as "+88 life", adding them together. On Rare orbs it's not uncommon to get +life and +mana, and you have no way to tell which is from an affix and which from the inherent property. Not that it really matters.

In addition to these inherent +mana/life bonuses, all Orbs can have 1-3 random +1-3 levels to any skill from any of her skill trees.

  • Damage Bonus: Extra damage based on the physical damage of a weapon. Each point in strength adds 1% of the orb's total physical damage as a bonus. Not that anyone is using orbs for their melee damage.
  • Weapon Speed: A relative comparison to other weapons of the same type. 0 is the base -10, -20, etc is faster, 10, 20, etc is slower, always in increments of 10. Each 10 is equivalent to an SIAS item, 20 is IAS, etc.
  • Range: Goes from 1 (least) to 5 (most). All Orbs have 1 range, the same as most other one-handed weapons and the least of any items in the game.
  • Item Level: Used in many in-game calculations. Monsters must be of this level to drop the item, and it factors in when you get to gamble for this item type as well.
  • Clvl Req: Your character must be this level or higher to equip the Orb.
  • You can not gamble any Uniques in the Expansion, they must be found.


Orb Type Inherent Bonuses (Every Orb will have 1 of these. The odds assume the orb was dropped by a monster of lvl 67 or higher.)
Eagle Orb
Sacred Globe
Clasped Orb
Jared's Stone

17.1% - of the Jackal, +1-5 life, Ilvl 1, Clvl 3.
14.3% - of the Fox, +6-10 life, Ilvl 11, Clvl 1.
11.4% - of the Wolf, +11-20 life, Ilvl 27, Clvl 20.
8.6% - of the Tiger, +21-30 life, Ilvl 43, Clvl 35.
5.7% - of the Mammoth, 31-40 life, 59, Clvl 51.
2.9% - of the Colossus, 41-60 life, Ilvl 75, Clvl 67. (magic-only)

11.4% - Lizard's, +1-5 mana, Ilvl 3, Clvl 2.
8.6% - Snake's, +5-10 mana, Ilvl 12, Clvl 9.
5.7% - Serpent's, +11-20 mana, Ilvl 23, Clvl 16.
5.7% - Drake's, 21-30 mana, Ilvl 34, Clvl 26.
2.9% - Dragon's, 31-40 mana, Ilvl 45, Clvl 37.
2.9% - Wyrm's, 41-60 mana, Ilvl 56, Clvl 48
2.9% - Great Wyrm's, 61-80 mana, Ilvl 67, Clvl 59. (magic-only)

Item Name Properties Misc Stats
Sorc4.gif Eagle Orb 1H Damage 2-5
Durability: 20
Str Req: None
Dex Req: None
Item Level: 1
Clvl Req: None
Sockets: 3*
Weapon Speed: -10
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 1x2
Sorc2.gif Sacred Globe 1H Damage 3-8
Durability: 30
Str Req: None
Dex Req: None
Item Level: 8
Clvl Req: None
Sockets: 3*
Range: 1
Weapon Speed: -10
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 1x2
Sorc3.gif Smoked Sphere 1H Damage 4-10
Durability: 35
Str Req: None
Dex Req: None
Item Level: 12
Clvl Req: 8
Sockets: 3*
Range: 1
Weapon Speed: 0
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 1x2
Sorc-clasped.gif Clasped Orb 1H Damage 5-12
Durability: 40
Str Req: None
Dex Req: None
Item Level: 17
Clvl Req: 13
Sockets: 3*
Range: 1
Weapon Speed: 0
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 1x2
Sorc5.gif Jared's Stone 1H Damage 8-18
Durability: 50
Str Req: None
Dex Req: None
Item Level: 24
Clvl Req: 18
Sockets: 3*
Range: 1
Weapon Speed: 10
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 1x3
  • Previous to Patch 1.13, Sorceress Orbs could not have sockets, nor could they be added with the socketing quest.


Exceptional Orbs can only be found starting in Act 4 or 5 normal, and then more commonly through Nightmare and Hell. No types of orbs can ever be gambled.

Orb Type Inherent Bonuses (Every Orb will have 1 of these. The odds assume the orb was dropped by a monster of lvl 67 or higher.)
Glowing Orb
Cloudy Sphere
Sparkling Ball
Swirling Crystal

17.1% - of the Jackal, +1-5 hps, Ilvl 1, Clvl 3.
14.3% - of the Fox, +6-10 hps, Ilvl 11, Clvl 1.
11.4% - of the Wolf, +11-20 hps, Ilvl 27, Clvl 20.
8.6% - of the Tiger, +21-30 hps, Ilvl 43, Clvl 35.
5.7% - of the Mammoth, 31-40 hps, Ilvl 59, Clvl 51.
2.9% - of the Colossus, 41-60 hps, Ilvl 75, Clvl 67. (magic-only)

11.4% - Lizard's, +1-5 mana, Ilvl 3, Clvl 2.
8.6% - Snake's, +5-10 mana, Ilvl 12, Clvl 9.
5.7% - Serpent's, +11-20 mana, Ilvl 23, Clvl 16.
5.7% - Drake's, 21-30 mana, Ilvl 34, Clvl 26.
2.9% - Dragon's, 31-40 mana, Ilvl 45, Clvl 37.
2.9% - Wyrm's, 41-60 mana, Ilvl 56, Clvl 48
2.9% - Great Wyrm's, 61-80 mana, Ilvl 67, Clvl 59. (magic-only)

Item Name Properties Misc Stats
Sorc4.gif Glowing Orb 1H Damage 8-21
Durability: 20
Str Req: None
Dex Req: None
Item Level: 32
Clvl Req: 24
Sockets: 3 *
Weapon Speed: -10
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 1x2
Sorc2.gif Crystalline Globe 1H Damage 10-26
Durability: 30
Str Req: None
Dex Req: None
Item Level: 37
Clvl Req: 27
Sockets: 3 *
Range: 1
Weapon Speed: -10
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 1x2
Sorc3.gif Cloudy Sphere 1H Damage 11-29
Durability: 35
Str Req: None
Dex Req: None
Item Level: 41
Clvl Req: 30
Sockets: 3 *
Range: 1
Weapon Speed: 0
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 1x2
Sorc-clasped.gif Sparkling Ball 1H Damage 13-32
Durability: 40
Str Req: None
Dex Req: None
Item Level: 46
Clvl Req: 34
Sockets: 3 *
Range: 1
Weapon Speed: 0
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 1x2
Sorc5.gif Swirling Crystal 1H Damage 18-42
Durability: 50
Str Req: None
Dex Req: None
Item Level: 50
Clvl Req: 37
Sockets: 3 *
Range: 1
Weapon Speed: 10
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 1x3


Elite Orbs can only be found starting in mid-Act 3 Nightmare for the lower quality ones, and then all types of Orbs can be dropped through Acts 4-5/Nightmare, and all of Hell difficulty. They can also be gambled, but only very rarely by high level characters

Item Inherent Bonuses (Every Orb will have 1 of these. The odds assume the orb was dropped by a monster of lvl 67 or higher.)
Heavenly Stone
Eldritch Orb
Demon Heart
Vortex Orb

17.1% - of the Jackal, +1-5 hps, ilvl 1, Clvl 3.
14.3% - of the Fox, +6-10 hps, ilvl 11, Clvl 1.
11.4% - of the Wolf, +11-20 hps, ilvl 27, Clvl 20.
8.6% - of the Tiger, +21-30 hps, ilvl 43, Clvl 35.
5.7% - of the Mammoth, 31-40 hps, 59, Clvl 51.
2.9% - of the Colossus, 41-60 hps, ilvl 75, Clvl 67. (magic-only)

11.4% - Lizard's, +1-5 mana, ilvl 3, Clvl 2.
8.6% - Snake's, +5-10 mana, ilvl 12, Clvl 9.
5.7% - Serpent's, +11-20 mana, ilvl 23, Clvl 16.
5.7% - Drake's, 21-30 mana, ilvl 34, Clvl 26.
2.9% - Dragon's, 31-40 mana, ilvl 45, Clvl 37.
2.9% - Wyrm's, 41-60 mana, ilvl 56, Clvl 48
2.9% - Great Wyrm's, 61-80 mana, ilvl 67, Clvl 59. (magic-only)

Item Name Properties Misc Stats
Sorc4.gif Heavenly Stone 1H Damage 18-46
Durability: 24
Str Required: 44
Dex Required: 44
Item Level: 54
Clvl Req: 54
Sockets: 3 *
Weapon Speed: -10
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 1x2
Sorc2.gif Eldritch Orb 1H Damage 20-54
Durability: 30
Str Required: 44
Dex Required: 44
Item Level: 58
Clvl Req: 50
Sockets: 3 *
Range: 1
Weapon Speed: -10
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 1x2
Sorc3.gif Demon Heart 1H Damage 23-59
Durability: 35
Str Required: 44
Dex Required: 44
Item Level: 61
Clvl Req: 61
Sockets: 3 *
Range: 1
Weapon Speed: 0
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 1x2
Sorc-clasped.gif Vortex Orb 1H Damage 25-64
Durability: 40
Str Required: 44
Dex Required: 44
Item Level: 63
Clvl Req: 63
Sockets: 3 *
Range: 1
Weapon Speed: 0
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 1x2
Sorc5.gif Dimensional Shard 1H Damage 33-69
Durability: 50
Str Required: 44
Dex Required: 44
Item Level: 67
Clvl Req: 67
Sockets: 3 *
Range: 1
Weapon Speed: 10
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 1x3

Set ItemsEdit

Item Item Name Attributes Special Properties
X-tal-rashas-lidless-eye.gif Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye
Swirling Crystal
(Exceptional Jared's Stone)
  • 18-42 Damage
  • 50 Durability
  • 20 Str required
  • 20 Dex required
  • 1 Range
  • 10 Weapon Speed
  • Damage Bonus: 100 Str
  • Clvl Req: 65
  • Item Level: 26
  • +57 Life
  • +77 Mana
  • +10 Energy
  • +20% Faster Cast Rate
  • +(1-2) To Cold Mastery (Sorceress Only)
  • +(1-2) To Fire Mastery (Sorceress Only)
  • +(1-2) To Lightning Mastery (Sorceress Only)
    • +1 To Sorceress Skill Levels (2 Items)
    • -15% To Enemy Fire Resistance (3 Items)
    • -15% To Enemy Lightning Resistance (4 Items)
    • +15% To Cold Skills Damage (Complete Set)

Further ReadingEdit

Check out the Unique Items Section for all other uniques.