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Orphan's Call

Revision as of 12:34, 29 January 2009 by Flux (talk | contribs)

General Notes

Orphan's Call is one of the lower-level item sets added in the expansion. It isn't specifically designed for any character, although melee chars will probably get the most benefit from the shield, helm, belt and gloves in the set. The shield has very high blocking, and the gloves are popular for their 20% IAS.

  • You can gamble Set and Unique items in v1.09+. The odds are roughly 1/1000 for set items. (This assumes you have the correct item type. For exceptional or elite items, the odds are much longer, since you must get lucky on the item type upgrade, and then work the 1/1000 chance of scoring the set item. Higher Clvl = better odds of exceptional/elite items when shopping.)
  • Item Level: Used in many in-game calculations. Monsters must be of this level to drop the item.
  • Clvl req is the character level you need to be to be able to wear the item.

Shield Notes

  • Shield Blocking information can be found on the shields page.
  • Smite damage is for the Paladin only.
  • Weight: All shields are light, medium, or heavy. In Diablo II this only matters for tower shields, which slow your running speed and increase stamina drain 10%. In D2X it will probably effect blocking speed as well as running speed.

This is an Expansion-only set.

Item Item Name Attributes Special Properties
X-o-whitstans-guard.gif Whitstan's Guard
Round Shield
(Small Shield)
129-154 Defense
64 Durability
53 Str Required
67 Blocking
7-14 Smite Damage
Weight: Light
Clvl Req: 29
Item Level: 41
+175% Enhanced Defense
Fastest Blocking (40)
+55 Chance to Block
Half Freeze Duration
+5 Light Radius
X-o-guillaumes-face.gif Guillaume's Face
Winged Helm
(Great Helm)
187-245 Defense
40 Durability
115 Str Required
Clvl Req: 34
Item Level: 41
+120% Enhanced Defense
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
+35% Chance of Crushing Blow
+15% Chance of Deadly Strike
+15 Strength
X-o-wilhelms-pride.gif Wilhelm's Pride
Battle Belt
(Heavy Belt)
64-73 Defense
18 Durability
88 Str Required
16 Slots
Clvl Req: 42
Item Level: 41
+75% Enhanced Defense
+5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+10% Cold Resistance
+5% Life Stolen Per Hit
X-o-magnus-skin.gif Magnus' Skin
Sharkskin Gloves
(Heavy Gloves)
49-60 Defense
14 Durability
20 Str Required
Clvl Req: 37
Item Level: 41
+50% Enhanced Defense
+15% Fire Resistance
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+3 Light Radius
+100 to Attack Rating

Set Bonuses

Partial set bonuses stack. If you are wearing three items, then you will get the bonus for wearing two items as well as the bonus for wearing three items. Full set bonuses stack on top of the partial bonuses, so if there is a partial bonus of +40 Life, and a full bonus of +40 Mana, with the complete set, you would receive both +40 life and +40 mana.

Set Attributes/Bonus Item Slots Used Item Slots Free
Partial Set Bonuses:
• Wearing any two items: +35 Life
• Wearing any three items: Attacker takes 5 damage
Full Set Bonus:
+50 Life
+10 Dexterity
+20 Strength
+100 Defense
+15% Resistance To All
+80% Better chance of getting magical item
One-handed Weapon