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Outer Cloister

Revision as of 22:33, 27 June 2009 by Psyrus (talk | contribs) (Level Information: Completed table)

The Outer Cloister is a level in Act I of Diablo II. It is the first level the player will encounter as he/she progresses from the wilderness of Entstieg into the Rogues' Monastery.

The level itself resembles a 'plus' sign, with the middle of the plus containing the waypoint for the level and either a centralised fountain or set of statues, depending on what has been randomised for the particular game. An entrance hall and three separate halls form the arms of the plus. One of the two northern halls, chosen randomly by the game, will contain a door at its far end leading to the next level in the Act, the Barracks.

The waypoint in this level is an important one for the player to acquire, as the preceding Tamoe Highland lacks one and the trek from the Black Marsh waypoint can be quite long.

The monsters in the Outer Cloister are a step up, in difficulty and experience, from those encountered in previous levels. For this reason, and because it is a relatively small and contained level, the Outer Cloister can be a decent experience farm for players at lower levels. Monsters can usually be found in the central area and in the adjoining halls, although sometimes one or more of the halls may not contain any.

Level Information

Outer Cloister
Info List Normal Nightmare Hell
Area Level: 9 40 70
Spawnable Monsters: Black Archer, Yeti, Razor Spine, Devilkin, Devilkin Shaman
Possible Monster Variants: 3 3 3
Random Bosses: Yes Yes Yes
Superuniques: None None None
Gold Chests: None
Waypoint: Yes
Level Junctions: Monastery Gate, Barracks
Quests: None