Magic find diminishing returns

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Magic find enjoys diminishing returns, in terms of generating Rares, Sets, and Uniques, as the amount of magic find increases. This is a balancing effect; in v1.07 short after the Expansion was released there were no diminishing returns, and it was possible to get all set or unique drops (if sets/uniques existed for the item type in question). This was changed with the introduction of diminishing returns, and as of v1.11 they function as shown in the following table.

A higher % of magic find from your character's equipment will always make more of the items that are dropped be at least magical. Higher magic find % will make more of the items that are dropped generate as unique, set, or rare, but the added benefit decreases with more points in the bonus.

  • See the Magic Find page for more general information about this and related issues.
  • All values are expressed in percentages (%).
Magic Items Rare Items Set Items Unique Items
25 24 23 22
50 46 45 41
75 66 65 57
100 85 83 71
125 103 100 83
150 120 115 93
175 135 129 102
200 150 142 111
250 176 166 125
300 200 187 136
350 221 205 145
400 240 222 153
450 257 236 160
500 272 250 166
550 286 261 171
600 300 272 176
650 312 282 180
700 323 291 184
750 333 300 187
800 342 307 190
850 351 314 193
900 360 321 195
950 367 327 197
1000 375 333 200
1050 381 338 201
1100 388 343 203
1150 394 348 205

Unique Effective Magic Find

This table, taken from a huge MF strategy guide, shows the effective Magic Find for Uniques, and how little it improves at higher levels, thanks to the diminishing returns.

Magic Find % Unique MF% Real  % gained
0 0 1.0 --
50 41 1.41 41.0
100 71 1.71 21.28
150 93 1.93 12.87
200 111 2.11 9.33
250 125 2.25 6.64
300 136 2.36 4.89
350 145 2.45 3.81
400 153 2.53 3.27
450 160 2.60 2.77
500 166 2.66 2.31
550 171 2.71 1.88
600 176 2.76 1.85
650 180 2.80 1.45
700 184 2.84 1.43
750 187 2.87 1.06
800 190 2.90 1.05
850 193 2.93 1.03
900 195 2.95 0.68
950 197 2.97 0.68
1000 200 3.0 1.01