Iratha's Finery

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General Notes[edit]

Iratha's Finery is a set with a few good items and a pretty good overall bonus, but it's not real useful other than that. This one is a good candidate for being useful in the Expansion, since with a couple of added bonuses for these items, they could go from almost good enough to definitely worth wearing.

These are the stats for the set in Diablo II Expansion Pack: Lord of Destruction, where there are partial set bonuses and hidden item bonuses.

  • Item level (ilvl): Used in many in-game calculations. Monsters must be of this level to drop the item.
  • Character level (clvl): The character level you need to be to be able to wear or equip the item.
  • Hidden bonuses stack together. For instance, if an item has a bonus for two items and a bonus for three items, and three items are worn, both the bonus for two items and for three items will become active.
  • It is possible to gamble Set and Unique items in v1.09+. The odds are roughly 1/1000 for Set items and 1/2000 for Unique items.
  • Items with Rarity are expressed as a chance out of 1000. IE 78/1000 would mean that out of every 1000 set items of that base item that drop, 78 of them will be this particular one.


Item Item Name Attributes Commentary
Irathas coil.gif Iratha's Coil
Rarity: 500/1000
25-45 Defense
50 Durability
55 Str Required
30% Lightning Resist
30% Fire Resist
Wearing 2 Items: 2 Defense per Clvl *
Irathas-cuff.gif Iratha's Cuff
Light Gauntlets
Rarity: 500/1000
9-11 Defense
18 Durability
45 Str Required
Half Freeze Duration
30% Cold Resist
Wearing 2 Items: 20% Increased Attack Speed
Irathas-cord.gif Iratha's Cord
Heavy Belt
Rarity: 500/1000
31 Defense
19 Durability
45 Str Required
25 Defense
5 To Minimum Damage
Wearing 2 Items: 10 Dexterity
Amulet-golden-face.gif Iratha's Collar
Rarity: 155.5/1000
Poison Length Reduced by 75%
30% Poison Resist
Wearing 2 Items: 15% Resist All

* When wearing another item of this set, the defense of this crown will increase at a rate of 2 defense per clvl.

Set Bonuses[edit]

Some quite substantial bonuses from this set that you can't get from any other equipment in the game. The total set gives you 50% resistance to all and adds the possibility of reaching 85% resistance to all, as well as cutting poison and cold length. The most resistance you can get on any item set, this one might be very useful in the Expansion where resistances are even more important.

Set Attributes/Bonus Item Slots Used Item Slots Free
Item Bonuses:
Wearing 2 Items: 50 Defense
Wearing 3 Items: Faster Run/Walk ( 20)

Full Set Bonus:
10% To Maximum Poison Resist
10% To Maximum Cold Resist
10% To Maximum Lightning Resist
10% To Maximum Fire Resist
20% Resist All
15 To Dexterity
Two-handed Weapon
One-handed Weapon

Diablo II[edit]

These are the stats for the set in Diablo II, where there are no partial set bonuses or hidden item bonuses.

Item Item Name Attributes Commentary
Irathas coil.gif Iratha's Coil
24-45 Defense
100 Durability
55 Str Required
Lightning Resist 30%
Fire Resist 30%
Clvl Req: 15
Not a bad helm with the resistances comparable to a good Rare.
Irathas-cuff.gif Iratha's Cuff
Light Gauntlets
9-11 Defense
36 Durability
45 Str Required
Half Freeze Duration
Cold Resist 30%
Clvl Req: 15
Nice cold resistances, but cold isn't a big priority for resistance from gloves in Diablo II.
Irathas-cord.gif Iratha's Cord
Heavy Belt
31 Defense
36 Durability
45 Str Required
25 Defense
5 To Minimum Damage
Clvl Req: 15
Nice bonus to minimum damage, if this had a very low Clvl requirement it would be popular for starting combat characters.
Amulet-golden-face.gif Iratha's Collar
Poison Length Reduced by 75%
Poison Resist 30%
Clvl Req: 15
Great anti-poison, but since you so seldom need big poison prevention in Diablo II, it's non-essential.

Set Bonuses[edit]

Some quite substantial bonuses from this set that you can't get from any other equipment in the game. The total set gives you 50% resistance to all and adds the possibility of reaching 85% resistance to all, as well as cutting poison and cold length. The most resistance you can get on any item set, this one might be very useful in the Expansion where resistances are even more important.

Set Attributes/Bonus Item Slots Used Item Slots Free
Item Bonuses:
30% Lightning Resistance
30% Fire Resistance
30% Cold Resistance
30% Poison Resistance
Half Cold Duration
75% Poison Length Reduction
5 Minimum Damage
Full Set Bonus:
10% To Maximum Poison Resist
10% To Maximum Cold Resist
10% To Maximum Lightning Resist
10% To Maximum Fire Resist
All Resistances 20%
15 To Dexterity
Two-handed Weapon
One-handed Weapon