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Druid Elemental Skills

568 bytes removed, 03:17, 3 March 2008
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* [[Druid Skills]]:
** [[Druid ElementalSkills]]** [[Druid Shape ShiftingSkills]]** [[Druid SummoningSkills]]
These skills were terribly underpowered when D2X was released, and remained that way for some time. The character was fun through normal, and could do some work in a solo game in nightmare, but these skills did not pack enough punch to be of any use in Hell. Several patches later, Elemental Druids can be played quite effectively, thanks to the extensive synergies woven throughout this skill tree.
[[Image:fire-storm.jpg|left]]'''Casting Delay]''': 0.6 Seconds<br />
'''Required Level:''' 1<br />
==Molten Boulder==
[[Image:moulten-boulder.jpg|left]]'''Casting Delay:''' 2 Seconds<br />
'''Required Level:''' 6<br />
| <small>129-155
| colspan="21" | '''Average Fire Damage Per Second '''
| <small>11-16
==Arctic Blast==
[[Image:arctic-blast.jpg|left]]'''Required Level:''' 6<br />
'''Prerequisites''': None<br />
[[Image:fissure.jpg|left]]'''Casting Delay:''' 2 Seconds<br />
'''Required Level:''' 12<br />
{| width="100%"| colspan="20" | '''Mana Cost: 15 - Duration: 3.2 Seconds'''
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==Cyclone Armor==
[[Image:cyclone-armor.jpg|left]]'''Required Level:''' 12<br />
'''Prerequisites''': Arctic Blast<br />
'''Details:''' This shielding spell is essentially an elemental version of the Necromancer's Bone Shield. It absorbs a set amount of elemental damage, but has no effect against physical attacks. The amount of damage absorbed isn't really big enough to bother with for most bear/wolf Druids though, especially with the enormous amounts of hit points those characters get.
{| width="100%"
! Level
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[[Image:twister.jpg|left]]'''Damage Type:''' Physical<br />
'''Required Level:''' 18<br />
The damage from Twister and Tornado is physical, just as if the Druid walked up and punched them. This is helpful on monsters that have an elemental immunity, but makes them worthless in Hell, where every monster has at least 50% physical resistance.
{| width="100%"| colspan="21" | '''Mana Cost: 7 - Stun Length 0.4 Seconds'''
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[[Image:volcano.jpg|left]]'''Casting Delay:''' 4 Seconds<br />
'''Required Level:''' 24<br />
Targets in the radius of effect from the Volcano take fire damage per second, but if they get hit or not is largely random. One monster can die immediately while another could last the entire Volcano with only minor damage. Where the little fireballs land has nothing to do with which monsters take damage; the graphical effects are just eye candy.
{| width="100%"| colspan="20" | '''Mana Cost: 25'''
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[[Image:tornado.jpg|left]]'''Damage Type:''' Physical<br />
'''Required Level:''' 24<br />
The damage from Twister and Tornado is physical, just as if the Druid walked up and punched them. This is helpful on monsters that have an elemental immunity, but makes them worthless in Hell, where every monster has at least 50% physical resistance.
{| width="100%"
| colspan="20" | '''Mana Cost: 10'''
! 20
| colspan="20" | '''Damage'''
| <small>25-35| <small>29-41| <small>38-50| <small>48-60| <small>57-69| <small>67-79| <small>76-88| <small>86-97| <small>95-107| <small>112-125| <small>128-142| <small>145-160| <small>161-178| <small>178-195| <small>194-213| <small>211-231| <small>227-248| <small>251-273| <small>274-298| <small>298-323
[[Image:hurricane.jpg|left]]'''Casting Delay"''' 6 Seconds<br />
'''Required Level:''' 30<br />
The outer edge of the Hurricane is about 5.3 yards from the Druid, and the inner edge is about 4 yards. You must keep monsters in the ring of wind to deal them damage; too close or too far does no good. This works best with minions to tank, once they engage the monsters you can run up behind them so the Hurricane is spinning right on top of the monsters, chilling and damaging them. Cast Tornados at the same time, for maximum damage.
{| width="100%"| colspan="20" | '''Mana Cost: 30 - Radius 6 Yards - Duration: 10 Seconds'''
! 1
| colspan="20" | '''Cold Damage'''
| <small>25-50| <small>32-57| <small>39-64| <small>46-71| <small>53-78| <small>60-85| <small>67-92| <small>74-99| <small>84-109| <small>94-119| <small>104-129| <small>114-139| <small>124-149| <small>134-159| <small>144-169| <small>154-179| <small>166-191| <small>178-203| <small>213-223| <small>233-243
[[Image:armageddon.jpg|left]]'''Casting Delay:''' 6 Seconds<br />
'''Required Level:''' 30<br />
* This is the only elemental skill that can be cast while in either of the Druid's fur forms.<br />
{| width="100%"| colspan="20" | '''Mana Cost: 35- Duration: 10 Seconds - Radius 5.3 Yards'''
! 1
| colspan="20" | '''Fire Damage'''
| <small>25-75| <small>40-91| <small>55-107| <small>70-123| <small>85-139| <small>100-155| <small>115-171| <small>130-187| <small>150-209| <small>170-231| <small>190-253| <small>210-275| <small>230-297| <small>250-319| <small>270-341| <small>290-363| <small> 315-390| <small>340-417| <small>365-444| <small>390-471