Unique Headgear

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Diablo II Items [e]
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Unique Items
Body ArmorBoots

To Note

A few unique items have changed with the release of the 1.10 Patch. All new unique items found will have the same stats as the ones in the table below, items found in 1.09 or earlier may have slightly different stats. Items that have had changes will marked with a * and the change will be listed under the table.

  • In 1.10 of the Expansion the odds of gambling a Unique is 1 in 2000
  • Item Level: Monsters must be of this level to drop a particular item.
  • Clvl Req: A character must be this level to equip the item. No Diablo II Uniques had character level requirements prior to v1.07.


Normal Uniques are identical in Diablo II and the Expansion.

Item Name Properties Special Properties
Cap-biggins bonnet.gif Biggin's Bonnet
17-19 Defense
12 Durability
Item Level: 4
Clvl Req: 3
+15 to Life
+30 to Attack Rating
+30% Enhanced Damage
+15 to Mana
+14 Defense
Cap-tarnhelm.gif Tarnhelm
Skull Cap
8-11 Defense
18 Durability
15 Str Required
Item Level: 20
Clvl Req: 15
+1 to all Skill Levels
+25-50% Better Chance Of Getting Magical Items
+75% Extra Gold From Monsters
Helm-coif glory.gif Coif of Glory *
25-28 Defense
24 Durability
26 Str Required
Item Level: 19
Clvl Req: 14
Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 7
Hit Blinds Target +1
Lightning Resist +15%
+100 Defense vs. Missiles
+10 Defense
Helm-duskdeep.gif Duskdeep *
Full Helm
45-60 Defense
30 Durability
41 Str Required
Item Level: 23
Clvl Req: 17
-2 to Light Radius
All Resistances +15
Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 7
+8 Maximum Damage
+10-20 Defense
+30-50% Enhanced Defense
Helm-wormskull.gif Wormskull *
Bone Helm
33-36 Defense
40 Durability
25 Str Required
Item Level: 28
Clvl Req: 21
+1 To Necromancer Skills
+5% Life Stolen Per Hit
+10 to Mana
+25% to Poison Resist
Adds 79 Poison Damage Over 8 Seconds
Helm-howltusk.gif Howltusk *
Great Helm
64 Defense
40 Durability
63 Str Required
Item Level: 34
Clvl Req: 25
Magical Damage Taken Reduced by 2
Attacker Takes Damage of 3
+80% Enhanced Defense
+35% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
Hit Causes Monster to Flee 25%
Helm-undead crown.gif Undead Crown *
99-113 Defense
50 Durability
55 Str Required
Item Level: 39
Clvl Req: 29
+5% Life Stolen Per Hit
+40 Defense
Poison Resist +50%
Half Freeze Duration
+30-60% Enhanced Defense
+50% Damage Against Undead
+50-100 to Attack Rating Against Undead
+3 To Skeleton Mastery (Necromancer Only)
Helm-face-of-horror.gif The Face of Horror *
34-52 Defense
20 Durability
23 Str Required
Item Level: 27
Clvl Req: 20
Hit Causes Monster to Flee 50%
+20 to Strength
All Resistances +10
+50% Damage Against Undead
+25 Defense

1.08 Statistics

Many Uniques changed stats in v1.09. If the item was found prior to v1.09 it will have different stats. Items not listed below didn't have any major changes.

  • Coif of Glory: Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 4, +25 Defense vs. Missiles, rest is same
  • Duskdeep: -2 to Light Radius, All Resistances +5, Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 3, +8 Maximum Damage, +10 Defense
  • Wormskull: No poison damage, rest is same
  • Howltusk: No Knockback or flee, rest is same
  • Undead Crown: +4% Life Stolen Per Hit, +40 Defense, Poison Resist +50%, Half Freeze Duration
  • The Face of Horror: All Resistances +5, rest is same


These Exceptional Uniques are only found in the Diablo II Expansion, not in Diablo II.

Item Name Item Type and Stats Special Properties
Helm-peasant-crown.gif Peasant Crown *
War Hat
92-108 Defense
12 Durability
20 Str Required
Item Level: 36
Clvl req: 28
+20 to Energy
+20 to Vitality
+1 to All Skills
15% Faster Run/Walk
Replenish Life +6-12
+100% Enhanced Defense
Helm-rockstopper.gif Rockstopper *
137-201 Defense
18 Durability
43 Str Required
Item Level: 39
Clvl req: 31
Lightning Resist +20-40%
Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 10%
30% Faster Hit Recovery
+160-220% Enhanced Defense
Fire Resist +20-50%
Cold Resist +20-40%
+15 to Vitality
Helm-stealskull.gif Stealskull *
192-258 Defense
24 Durability
59 Str Required
Item Level: 43
Clvl req: 35
+5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+5% Life Stolen Per Hit
10% Faster Hit Recovery
10% Increased Attack Speed
+200-240% Enhanced Defense
+30-50% Better chance of getting magical item
Helm-darksight.gif Darksight Helm *
75-84 +2*Clvl Defense
30 Durability
82 Str Required
Item Level: 46
Clvl req: 38
-4 Light Radius
+2 Defense per clvl
Cannot be Frozen
+5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
6% Chance of casting slvl 3 Dim Vision When Struck
Level 5 Cloak of Shadows (30 Charges)
Fire Resist +20-40%
Helm-vampire-gaze.gif Vampire Gaze *
Grim Helm
122-252 Defense
40 Durability
58 Str Required
Item Level: 49
Clvl req: 41
+6-8% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+6-8% Life Stolen Per Hit
15% Slower Stamina Drain
Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 15-20%
Magical Damage Taken Reduced by 10-15
+100% Enhanced Defense
Adds 6-22 Cold Damage, 4 Seconds Cold Length
Helm-valkyrie-wing.gif Valkyrie Wing *
Winged Helm
214-297 Defense
40 Durability
115 Str Required
Item Level: 52
Clvl req: 44
+150-200% Enhanced Defense
20% Faster Run/Walk
20% Faster Hit Recovery
+1-2 To Amazon skills
+2-4 Mana After Each Kill
Helm-crown-thieves.gif Crown of Thieves *
Grand Crown
204-342 Defense
50 Durability
103 Str Required
Item Level: 57
Clvl req: 49
+25 to Dexterity
+9-12% Life Stolen Per Hit
+50 to Life
+35 to Mana
Fire Resist +33%
+160-200% Enhanced Defense
+80-100% More Gold from Monsters
Helm-blackthorns-face.gif Blackhorn's Face *
Death Mask
153-278 Defense
20 Durability
55 Str Required
Item Level: 49
Clvl req: 41
Attacker Takes 25 Lightning Damage
Slows Target by 20%
Prevents Monster Healing
+20 Lightning Absorb
Lightning Resist +15%
+180-220% Enhanced Defense

1.08 Statistics

Many Uniques changed stats in v1.09. If the item was found prior to v1.09 it will have different stats. Items not listed below didn't have any major changes.

  • Peasant Crown: Replenish Life +12, rest is same
  • Rockstopper: +37% Lightning Resistance, +23 To Life, +13 To Dexterity, 30% Faster Hit Recovery, +15 To Energy, +110% Enhanced Defense
  • Stealskull: +5% Mana Stolen Per Hit, +5% Life Stolen Per Hit, 10% Faster Hit Recovery, 10% Faster Cast Rate, +0.5 To Mana per Clvl, +35 Defense
  • Darksight Helm: 2% Chance of casting slvl 5 Dim Vision When Struck, no charges or fire resist, rest is same
  • Valkyrie Wing: +35 Defense, 30% Faster Run/Walk, 30% Faster Hit Recovery, 30% Faster Cast Rate, 30% Increased Attack Speed
  • Crown of Thieves: 8% Life Stolen per Hit, +175% Enhanced Defense, no %gold, rest is same
  • Blackhorn's Face: +200% Enhanced Defense, rest is same
  • Vampire Gaze: Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 25%, Magical Damage Taken Reduced By 15, no cold damage, 8% life/mana steal, no other changes


Spawn in 1.10 or later only

Item Name Item Stats Special Properties
Elite-helm-demonhead.jpg Andariel's Visage
Ladder Only
101-154 Defense
20 Durability
102 Str Required
Item Level: 85
Clvl req: 83
+100-150% Enhanced Defense
Poison Resist +70%
+2 to All Skills
+10% to Maximum Poison Resist
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+25-30 to Strength
15% Chance to cast level 15 Poison Nova when struck
Level 3 Venom (20 Charges)
8-10% Life stolen per hit
Fire Resist -30%
Elite-helm-corona.jpg Crown of Ages
111-165 Defense
174 Str Required
Item Level: 86
Clvl req: 82
30% Faster Hit Recovery
All Resistances +20-30
+1 to All Skills
+100-150 Defense
Damage Taken Reduced by 10-15%
+50% Enhanced Defense
Socketed (1-2)
Elite-helm-bone-visage.jpg Giant Skull
Bone Visage
100-157 Defense
40 Durability
106 Str Required
Item Level: 73
Clvl req: 65
+250-320 Defense
+25-35 to Strength
10% Chance of Crushing Blow
Socketed (1-2)
Elite-helm-armet2.jpg Halaberd's Reign

Does not spawn, see
Halaberd's Reign
Unique Conqueror Crown
105-149 Defense
24 Durability
109 Str Required
Item Level:
Clvl req: 75
+200-250 Defense
+200-250 Defense Vs. Missile
+15% To Cold Skill Damage
Adds 22-34 Cold Damage
+20-30 To Strength
Cold Resist +47%
Cannot Be Frozen
100% Extra Gold From Monsters
Socketed (2)
Elite-helm-spired-helm2.jpg Nightwing's Veil
Spired Helm
114-159 Defense
40 Durability
96 Str Required
Item Level: 75
Clvl req: 67
+90-120% Enhanced Defense
+2 to All Skills
+10-20 to Dexterity
+5-9 Cold Absorb
Half Freeze Duration
+8-15% to Cold Skill Damage
Requirements -50%
Elite-helm-armet.jpg Steelshade
105-149 Defense
24 Durability
109 Str Required
Item Level: 70
Clvl req: 62
+100-130% Enhanced Defense
+5-11 Fire Absorb
4-8% Mana stolen per hit
Replenish Life +10-18 (0.977 - 1.758 Life Per Second)
Elite-helm-spired-helm.jpg Veil of Steel
Spired Helm
480 Defense
60 Durability
192 Str Required
Item Level: 77
Clvl req: 73
All Resistances +50
+60% Enhanced Defense
+15 to Strength
+15 to Vitality
-4 to Light Radius
+20 Durability
+140 Defense

1.09 Statistics

Item Name Item Stats Special Properties
Elite-helm-harlequin-crest.gif Harlequin Crest *
98-141 Defense
12 Durability
50 Str Required
Item Level: 69
Clvl req: 62
+2 to All Skills
+1.5 Life per clvl
+1.5 Mana per clvl
+50% Better chance of getting magical item
Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 10%
+2 to Strength
+2 to Dexterity
+2 to Vitality
+2 to Energy
Elite-helm-veil-steel.gif Veil of Steel *
Spired Helm
323-395 Defense
60 Durability
192 Str Required
Item Level: 77
Clvl req: 73
All Resistances +50
+60% Enhanced Defense
+15 to Strength
+15 to Vitality
-4 Light Radius
+20 Increased Durability
+140 Defense

1.08 Statistics

Many Uniques changed stats in v1.09. If the item was found prior to v1.09 it will have different stats. Items not listed below didn't have any major changes.

  • Harlequin Crest: +2 to All Skills, +40% Maximum Life, +1.25 Mana per Clvl, +50% Better Chance Of Getting Magical Items, +100% Enhanced Defense, Indestructible
  • Veil of Steel: All Resistances +35, +150% Enhanced Defense, +15 Strength, +1.5 Vitality per Clvl, +4 Light Radius, Indestructible, +30 Defense


Spawn in 1.10 and later only.

Item Name Properties Misc Stats
Circlet-tiara.jpg Kira's Guardian
Ladder Only
40-50 Defense
25 Durability
Str Req: None
Item Level: 85
Clvl Req: 77
+50-120 Defense
All Resistances +50-70
Cannot be Frozen
20% Faster Hit Recovery
Circlet-diadem.jpg Griffon's Eye
Ladder Only
50-60 Defense
20 Durability
Str Req: None
Item Level: 84
Clvl Req: 76
+100-200 Defense
25% Faster Cast Rate
+1 to All Skills
+10-15% to Lightning Skill Damage
-15-20% to Enemy Lightning Resistance