Unique Spears
This is a list of all unique spears found in the game. Click each unique name for more details.
Larger and heavier than javelins, spears are melee weapons that do far higher damage than javelins, but can not be thrown. Spears are stabbed with from the side, and have excellent reach, able to hit monsters on the other side of a friendly player, or to stab a monster while it is still too far away to strike you.
Their striking speed is not as fast as smaller weapons such as swords or blunts, but they are not as slow as the massive axes or polearms, and will not have very high strength or dexterity requirements, making them useful weapons for every character class.
- List of Unique Amazon Spears
A few uniques have changed stats in the expansion with the release of patches. All unique items found in the current patch will have the stats listed in the table below; items found in older patches may have slightly different stats. Items that have had changes will marked with a * and their old stats will be listed under the table.
- All spears are two-handed.
- Unique Spears are found in Diablo II and the Expansion.
- In 1.10 of the Expansion the odds of gambling a Unique is 1 in 2000.
- Item Level: Monsters must be of this level to drop a particular item. Ilvl is used in gambling, sales and other calculations as well.
- Clvl Req: A character or mercenary must be this level to equip the item. No uniques had Clvl requirements prior to v1.07 Diablo II.
- Range: Goes from 1 (least) to 5 (most), and is identical for all melee weapon types. I.E. a 3 sword = a 3 spear = a 3 hammer.
- Dmg Bonus: This determines how you multiply the item damage by your stats to reach the actual damage. Each point in this statistic multiplies your damage by bonus/100 %. For example a damage bonus of 70 is 70/100 or and additional .7% weapon damage per point. Most weapons have 100 str, which gives 100/100 or an additional 1% weapon damage per point in str.
- Weapon Speed (WSM): A relative comparison to other weapons of the same type. 0 is the base -10, -20, etc is faster, 10, 20, etc is slower.
- Swing Speed: The speed shown in-game for each character using this melee weapon. This speed is mostly meaningless and is included for completeness only. Characters are abbreviated to their first letters, with Amazon = Am and Assassin = As.
Normal Uniques are identical in Diablo II and the Expansion.
Spawn in 1.09 or later[edit]
Image | Name | Properties | Special Properties | Attack Stats |
The Dragon Chang Spear |
13 - 15 Damage 30 Durability No Str Required 20 Dex Required Item Level: 11 Clvl Req: 8 |
+35 to Attack Rating +10 to Minimum Damage +2 to Light Radius +100% Damage to Undead Adds 3-6 fire damage |
Range: 4 Weapon Speed: -10 Damage Bonus: 100 Str Swing Speed: Fast: Am Normal: B/D/N/P/S/ Slow: As | |
Razortine * Trident |
(11-13) - (19-22) Damage 35 Durability 38 Str Required 24 Dex Required Item Level: 16 Clvl Req: 12 |
Slows Target by 25% -50% Target's Defense +15 to Strength +8 to Dexterity 30% Increased Attack Speed +30-50% Enhanced Damage |
Range: 4 Weapon Speed: 0 Damage Bonus: 100 Str Swing Speed: Normal: Am/B Slow: Am/D/N/P/S/ Very Slow: As | |
Bloodthief * Brandistock |
(10-11) - (25-28) Damage 28 Durability 40 Str Required 50 Dex Required Item Level: 23 Clvl Req: 17 |
35% Chance of Open Wounds +10 to Strength 8-12% Life stolen per hit +26 to Life +50-70% Enhanced Damage |
Range: 5 Weapon Speed: -20 Damage Bonus: 100 Str Swing Speed: Fast: Am/B/D/P/S Normal: As/N | |
Lance of Yaggai * Spetum |
15 - 23 Damage 28 Durability 54 Str Required 35 Dex Required Item Level: 30 Clvl Req: 22 |
Attacker Takes Damage of 8 Adds 1-60 Lightning Damage All Resistances +15 40% Increased Attack Speed |
Range: 5 Weapon Speed: 0 Damage Bonus: 100 Str Swing Speed: Normal: Am/B Slow: D/N/P/S/ Very Slow: As | |
The Tannr Gorerod * Pike |
(25-28) - (113-126) Damage 25 Durability 60 Str Required 45 Dex Required Item Level: 26 Clvl Req: 27 |
Adds 23-54 Fire Damage +15% to Maximum Fire Resist +30 to Life +60 to Attack Rating +3 to Light Radius Fire Resist +15% +80-100% Enhanced Damage |
Range: 5 Weapon Speed: 20 Damage Bonus: 100 Str Swing Speed: Slow: Am Very Slow: As/B/D/N/P/S |
1.08 Statistics[edit]
Many Uniques changed stats in v1.09. If the item was found prior to v1.09 it will have different stats. Items not listed below didn't have any changes.
- Razortine: No +%Enhanced Damage, rest is same.
- Bloodthief: 8% Life stolen per hit, no +%Enhanced Damage, rest is same.
- Lance of Yaggai: Attacker Takes Damage of 8, Adds 1-40 Lightning Damage, All Resistances +15.
- The Tannr Gorerod: Adds 12-18 Fire Damage, no +%Enhanced Damage, rest is same.
Unique exceptional items are found only in the Expansion, not in Diablo II.
Spawn in 1.09 or later[edit]
Image | Name | Properties | Special Properties | Attack Stats |
The Impaler * War Spear |
(24-27) - (88-99) Dmg 30 Durability 25 Str Required 25 Dex Required Item Level: 39 Clvl Req: 31 |
+140-170% Enhanced Damage +150 to Attack Rating Ignore Target's Defense 20% Increased Attack Speed 40% Chance of Open Wounds Prevent Monster Heal +5 to Impale (Amazon Only) +3 to Power Strike (Amazon Only) |
Range: 4 Dmg Bonus: 100 Str Weapon Speed: -10 Swing Speed: Fast: Am/B/D/P/S Normal: As/N | |
Kelpie Snare * Fuscina |
(75-83) - (138-153) Dmg 35 Durability 77 Str Required 25 Dex Required Item Level: 41 Clvl Req: 33 |
+140-180% Enhanced Damage Adds 30-50 Damage Slows Target by 75% Fire Resist +50% +1.25 Life per Clvl +10 to Strength |
Range: 4 Dmg Bonus: 100 Str Weapon Speed: 0 Swing Speed: Normal: Am/B Slow: D/N/P/S Very Slow: As | |
Soulfeast Tine * War Fork |
(40-46) - (100-116) Dmg 43 Durability 64 Str Required 76 Dex Required Item Level: 43 Clvl Req: 35 |
+150-190% Enhanced Damage +150-250 to Attack Rating 7% Life Stolen per Hit 7% Mana Stolen per Hit +20% Slower Stamina Drain Requirements -20% +15 Increased Durability |
Range: 5 Dmg Bonus: 100 Str Weapon Speed: -20 Swing Speed: Fast: Am/B/D/P/S Normal: As/N | |
Hone Sundan * Yari |
(95-107) - (193-217) Dmg 28 Durability 101 Str Required No Dex Required Socketed (3) Item Level: 45 Clvl Req: 37 |
+160-200% Enhanced Damage Adds 20-40 damage 45% Chance of Crushing Blow Repairs 1 durability in 10 seconds |
Range: 5 Dmg Bonus: 100 Str Weapon Speed: 0 Swing Speed: Normal: Am/B Slow: D/N/P/S/ Very Slow: As | |
Spire of Honor * Lance |
(87-101) - (325-382) Dmg 25 Durability 110 Str Required 88 Dex Required Item Level: 47 Clvl Req: 39 |
+150-200% Enhanced Damage Adds 20-40 damage +1.5% Damage Against Demons per Clvl 25% Bonus to Attack Rating Replenish Life +20 20% Faster Hit Recovery +25% Enhanced Defense +3 to Light Radius +3 to Combat Skills (Paladin Only) |
Range: 5 Dmg Bonus: 100 Str Weapon Speed: 20 Swing Speed: Slow: Am Very Slow: As/B/D/N/P/S |
1.08 Statistics[edit]
Many Uniques changed stats in v1.09. If the item was found prior to v1.09 it will have different stats. Items not listed below didn't have any changes.
- The Impaler: was fixed at 150%, and had no +skills, rest is same.
- Kelpie Snare: 150% Enhanced Damage, Slows Target by 100%, rest remains the same.
- Soulfeast Tine: +175% Enhanced Damage, 7% Life Stolen per Hit, 7% Mana Stolen per Hit, +20% Slower Stamina Drain, Requirements -20%.
- Hone Sundan: 180% Enhanced Damage, +20-70 Damage, rest remains the same.
- Spire of Honor: +5% Life Stolen Per Hit, +5 Light Radius, Replenish Life +10, 10% Faster Hit Recovery, Adds 50-85 Damage, +1.25% Damage against Demons per Clvl, +145% Enhanced Damage.
Unique elite items are found only in the Expansion, not in Diablo II.
Spawn in 1.10 or later[edit]
Image | Name | Properties | Special Properties | Attack Stats |
Arioc's Needle Hyperion Spear |
218.4-257.4 Dmg 2H 100.8-118.8 - 336-396 30 Durability 155 Str Required 120 Dex Required Item Level: 85 Clvl Req: 81 |
+180-230% Enhanced Damage 50% Chance of Deadly Strike Ignores Target's Defense +2-4 to All Skills +30% Increased Attack Speed +390 Poison Damage over 10 Seconds |
Weapon Speed: -10 | |
Steel Pillar War Pike |
330.15-383.4 Dmg 2H 105.4-122.4 - 554.9-644.4 Indestructible 165 Str Required 106 Dex Required Item Level: 77 Clvl Req: 69 |
+210-260% Enhanced Damage +25% Increased Attack Speed -20% Target Defense +50-80% Enhanced Defense 25% Chance of Crushing Blow |
Weapon Speed: -20 | |
Viperfork Mancatcher |
195.75-229.5 Dmg 2H 121.8-142.8 - 269.7-316.2 28 Durability 132 Str Required 134 Dex Required Item Level: 79 Clvl Req: 71 |
+190-240% Enhanced Damage +50% Increased Attack Speed +200-250 to Attack Rating 15% Chance to cast level 9 Poison Explosion on striking Poison Resist +30-50% Adds 320 Poison Damage over 10 Seconds |
Weapon Speed: -20 |
Diablo II Items [e]
Items Basics
Unique Armor I
Unique Armor II
Unique Weapons I
Unique Weapons II
Unique Weapons III
Unique Class Items
Item Sets