Cobra Strike

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Cobra Strike

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Tiger Strike
Charge-Up Skill: A properly trained Assassin can focus her mind to draw upon the ambient energies surrounding her. Using this skill, she can drain her adversary of life and spiritual essence. Unles she becomes surrounded by too many monsters at once, an Assassin with this skill can maintain her health and mana indefinately without the use of potions or item-based lifesteal/mana drain. Provided she can land at least two blows with Cobra Strike, the mana drain is more than sufficient to replenish the 4-6 mana cost to charge, allowing the use of this skill to perpetuate itself.
Synergies: None

Mana Cost: 2
Skill Level Progression [e]
Slvl AR +X%

Lvl 1: Life Leech +X%

Lvl 2: Life/ Mana Leech +X%

Lvl 3: Life/ Mana Leech +X%

Slvl AR +X%

Lvl 1: Life Leech +X%

Lvl 2: Life/ Mana Leech +X%

Lvl 3: Life/ Mana Leech +X%

Slvl AR +X%

Lvl 1: Life Leech +X%

Lvl 2: Life/ Mana Leech +X%

Lvl 3: Life/ Mana Leech +X%

Slvl AR +X%

Lvl 1: Life Leech +X%

Lvl 2: Life/ Mana Leech +X%

Lvl 3: Life/ Mana Leech +X%

1 15% 40% 40% 80% 6 50% 65% 65% 130% 11 85% 90% 90% 180% 16 120% 115% 115% 230%
2 22% 45% 45% 90% 7 57% 70% 70% 140% 12 92% 95% 95% 190% 17 127% 120% 120% 240%
3 29% 50% 50% 100% 8 64% 75% 75% 150% 13 99% 100% 100% 200% 18 134% 125% 125% 250%
4 36% 55% 55% 110% 9 71% 80% 80% 160% 14 106% 105% 105% 210% 19 141% 130% 130% 260%
5 43% 60% 60% 120% 10 78% 85% 85% 170% 15 113% 110% 110% 220% 20 148% 135% 135% 270%