Druid Shape Shifting Skills
Druid Skills | |
Shapeshifting allows the Druids to manipulate their own flesh and form, taking on characteristics and capabilities of the beasts they have sworn to protect. Druidic warriors follow two paths: the path of the bear, and the path of the wolf. Some Shape-shifting skills are available only to a single animal form, while others are common to both wolf and bear forms.
There is only one graphic for Werewolf or Werebear form. Weapons and armor do not show up, but your equipment is as important as it is for every other character. Weapons do just what they would in human form, but are given substantial bonuses by the wolf or bear modifiers. Listen to the sound of your weapon and pay attention to when you hit your weapon switch; it's possible to change to the wrong weapon and not realize it since there's no visual indication of the change.
Druids in fur form can not fire or throw ranged weapons. Bows and other such items can be used, but they will deal their normal damage with melee hits. A big damage bow can be quite an effective melee weapon, though.
Druids lose the ability to cast almost all of their elemental skills while in fur form.
Casting Delay: 1 Second
Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Details: Transforms the Druid into a Werewolf. Adds substantial attack speed, attack rating, life, and stamina.
Mana Cost: | 15 |
Duration: | 40 Seconds |
Life: | +25% |
Stamina: | +25% |
Skill Level Progression [e] |
Slvl | Attack Speed +X%
AR +X%
Slvl | Attack Speed +X%
AR +X%
Slvl | Attack Speed +X%
AR +X%
Slvl | Attack Speed +X%
AR +X%
1 | 20% | 50% | 6 | 48% | 125% | 11 | 59% | 200% | 16 | 66% | 275% |
2 | 28% | 65% | 7 | 51% | 140% | 12 | 61% | 215% | 17 | 66% | 290% |
3 | 35% | 80% | 8 | 53% | 155% | 13 | 62% | 230% | 18 | 67% | 305% |
4 | 40% | 95% | 9 | 56% | 170% | 14 | 63% | 245% | 19 | 68% | 320% |
5 | 45% | 110% | 10 | 57% | 185% | 15 | 64% | 260% | 20 | 68% | 335% |
Werewolf Builds[edit]
Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: Werewolf
Details: This skill adds a passive bonus that allows the Druid to remain in fur form much longer. There is also a substantial hit point boost.
Skill Level Progression [e] |
Slvl | Max. Life +X%
Duration (seconds)
Slvl | Max. Life +X%
Duration (seconds)
Slvl | Max. Life +X%
Duration (seconds)
Slvl | Max. Life +X%
Duration (seconds)
1 | 20% | 40 | 6 | 45% | 140 | 11 | 70% | 240 | 16 | 95% | 340 |
2 | 25% | 60 | 7 | 50% | 160 | 12 | 75% | 260 | 17 | 100% | 360 |
3 | 30% | 80 | 8 | 55% | 180 | 13 | 80% | 280 | 18 | 105% | 380 |
4 | 35% | 100 | 9 | 60% | 200 | 14 | 85% | 300 | 19 | 110% | 400 |
5 | 40% | 120 | 10 | 65% | 220 | 15 | 90% | 320 | 20 | 115% | 420 |
Lycanthropy Builds[edit]
Casting Delay]: 1 Second
Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Details: This skill enables the Druid to transform into a Werebear. It includes substantial bonuses to his defense, damage, and life.
Mana Cost: | 15 |
Duration: | 40 Seconds |
Life: | +50% |
Skill Level Progression [e] |
Slvl | Damage +X%
Defense +X%
Slvl | Damage +X%
Defense +X%
Slvl | Damage +X%
Defense +X%
Slvl | Damage +X%
Defense +X%
1 | 50% | 25% | 6 | 85% | 50% | 11 | 120% | 75% | 16 | 155% | 100% |
2 | 57% | 30% | 7 | 92% | 55% | 12 | 127% | 80% | 17 | 162% | 105% |
3 | 64% | 35% | 8 | 99% | 60% | 13 | 134% | 85% | 18 | 169% | 110% |
4 | 71% | 40% | 9 | 106% | 65% | 14 | 141% | 90% | 19 | 176% | 115% |
5 | 78% | 45% | 10 | 113% | 70% | 15 | 148% | 95% | 20 | 183% | 120% |
Werebear Builds[edit]
Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Werebear
Details: This skill adds a damage bonus that increases with consecutive hits of the skill. An orbiting, glowing orb grows in size to indicate the degree to which this skill is charged up.
- Only usable when in Werebear form.
- Attack Bonus: 3%, +3% Per Level
Mana Cost: | 3 |
Duration: | 20 Seconds |
Skill Level Progression [e] |
Slvl | Damage +X%
AR +X%
Stun Duration (seconds)
Slvl | Damage +X%
AR +X%
Stun Duration (seconds)
Slvl | Damage +X%
AR +X%
Stun Duration (seconds)
Slvl | Damage +X%
AR +X%
Stun Duration (seconds)
1 | 20-60% | 20% | 0.9 | 6 | 20-120% | 70% | 2.3 | 11 | 20-160% | 120% | 2.9 | 16 | 20-220% | 170% | 3.2 |
2 | 20-80% | 30% | 1.3 | 7 | 20-120% | 80% | 2.5 | 12 | 20-180% | 130% | 3 | 17 | 20-220% | 180% | 3.2 |
3 | 20-80% | 40% | 1.6 | 8 | 20-140% | 90% | 2.6 | 13 | 20-180% | 140% | 3 | 18 | 20-240% | 190% | 3.3 |
4 | 20-100% | 50% | 1.9 | 9 | 20-140% | 100% | 2.7 | 14 | 20-200% | 150% | 3.1 | 19 | 20-240% | 200% | 3.3 |
5 | 20-100% | 60% | 2.2 | 10 | 20-160% | 110% | 2.8 | 15 | 20-200% | 160% | 3.2 | 20 | 20-260% | 210% | 3.4 |
Feral Rage[edit]
Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Werewolf
Details: This skill enables life steal, and adds substantial bonuses to damage, attack rating, and movement speed, while active. The skill can be powered up for three levels; an orbiting, glowing red orb grows in size to indicate the degree to which this skill is charged up. The usual technique is to charge this up, and then switch to Fury for the faster hits and greater damage that skill allows.
- The movement and life steal bonuses
- Druid must be in Werewolf form to use this skill.
- Effect lasts for 20 seconds after last hit. (Charge it up with the last hit on a pack, so it will still be in effect when you reach the next one.)
- The bonuses to damage and attack rating are only applied to Feral Rage attacks, other attacks do not benefit from these even when charged up.
Mana Cost: | 3 |
Duration: | 20 Seconds |
Skill Level Progression [e] |
Slvl | Dmg. +X%
AR +X%
Life Steal +X%
Walk Run Speed +X%
Slvl | Dmg. +X%
AR +X%
Life Steal +X%
Walk Run Speed +X%
Slvl | Dmg. +X%
AR +X%
Life Steal +X%
Walk Run Speed +X%
Slvl | Dmg. +X%
AR +X%
Life Steal +X%
Walk Run Speed +X%
1 | 50% | 20% | 4-12% | 19-31% | 6 | 75% | 70% | 4-32% | 19-43% | 11 | 100% | 120% | 4-52% | 19-47% | 16 | 125% | 170% | 4-72% | 19-52% |
2 | 55% | 30% | 4-16% | 19-36% | 7 | 80% | 80% | 4-36% | 19-43% | 12 | 105% | 130% | 4-56% | 19-49% | 17 | 130% | 180% | 4-76% | 19-52% |
3 | 60% | 40% | 4-20% | 19-36% | 8 | 85% | 90% | 4-40% | 19-45% | 13 | 110% | 140% | 4-60% | 19-49% | 18 | 135% | 190% | 4-80% | 19-53% |
4 | 65% | 50% | 4-24% | 19-40% | 9 | 90% | 100% | 4-44% | 19-45% | 14 | 115% | 150% | 4-64% | 19-50% | 19 | 140% | 200% | 4-84% | 19-53% |
5 | 70% | 60% | 4-28% | 19-40% | 10 | 95% | 110% | 4-48% | 19-47% | 15 | 120% | 160% | 4-68% | 19-50% | 20 | 145% | 210% | 4-88% | 19-55% |
Feral Rage Builds[edit]
Fire Claws[edit]
Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Werewolf, Werebear, Feral Rage, Maul
Synergies: Fire Claws receives substantial damage bonuses from a number of Elemental skills.
- Firestorm: +22% Fire Damage Per Level
- Molten Boulder: +22% Fire Damage Per Level
- Fissure: +22% Fire Damage Per Level
- Volcano: +22% Fire Damage Per Level
Details:: This skill adds fire damage and attack rating.
- Druid must be in either fur form to use this skill.
Mana Cost: | 4 |
Skill Level Progression [e] |
Slvl | Fire Damage
AR +X%
Slvl | Fire Damage
AR +X%
Slvl | Fire Damage
AR +X%
Slvl | Fire Damage
AR +X%
1 | 15-20 | 50% | 6 | 55-60 | 125% | 11 | 107-112 | 200% | 16 | 167-172 | 275% |
2 | 23-28 | 65% | 7 | 63-68 | 140% | 12 | 119-124 | 215% | 17 | 187-194 | 290% |
3 | 31-36 | 80% | 8 | 71-76 | 155% | 13 | 131-136 | 230% | 18 | 207-216 | 305% |
4 | 39-44 | 95% | 9 | 83-88 | 170% | 14 | 143-148 | 245% | 19 | 227-238 | 320% |
5 | 47-52 | 110% | 10 | 95-100 | 185% | 15 | 155-160 | 260% | 20 | 247-260 | 335% |
Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Werewolf, Feral Rage
Synergies: Poison Creeper grants +18% Poison Damage Per Level.
Details: A poison damage skill that is highly contagious. One infected monster will spread the poison to all the monsters in a group.
- Rabies is inflicted with a bite; this skill is worth using once in a while just to see the animation.
- Rabies is very useful for PVP, since antidote potions will not cure it.
Mana Cost: | 10 |
Skill Level Progression [e] |
Slvl | Poison Damage
Duration (seconds)
AR +X%
Slvl | Poison Damage
Duration (seconds)
AR +X%
Slvl | Poison Damage
Duration (seconds)
AR +X%
Slvl | Poison Damage
Duration (seconds)
AR +X%
1 | 18-43 | 4 | 50% | 6 | 121-159 | 6 | 85% | 11 | 306-356 | 8 | 120% | 16 | 578-640 | 10 | 155% |
2 | 34-61 | 4.4 | 57% | 7 | 150-190 | 6.4 | 92% | 12 | 354-406 | 8.4 | 127% | 17 | 658-723 | 10.4 | 162% |
3 | 52-82 | 4.8 | 64% | 8 | 180-223 | 6.8 | 99% | 13 | 405-460 | 8.8 | 134% | 18 | 742-810 | 10.8 | 169% |
4 | 73-105 | 5.2 | 71% | 9 | 219-264 | 7.2 | 106% | 14 | 460-517 | 9.2 | 141% | 19 | 831-901 | 11.2 | 176% |
5 | 96-131 | 5.6 | 78% | 10 | 261-308 | 7.6 | 113% | 15 | 517-577 | 9.6 | 148% | 20 | 924-996 | 11.6 | 183% |
Shock Wave[edit]
Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Werebear, Maul
Details: This skill splashes a sort of energy wave, dealing minor damage and major stun to anything it strikes.
- Only usable while in Werebear form.
- Shock Wave can stun multiple targets with a single use.
- Like other stun skills, bosses and champions can resist it, but it will affect them if used repeatedly (chance to stun those: 10%). Act Bosses can not be stunned.
- Stung length is not reduced in Nightmare or Hell difficulty, but may never exceed 10 seconds.
Mana Cost: | 7 |
Skill Level Progression [e] |
Slvl | Damage +X
Stun Duration (seconds)
Slvl | Damage +X
Stun Duration (seconds)
Slvl | Damage +X
Stun Duration (seconds)
Slvl | Damage +X
Stun Duration (seconds)
1 | 10-20 | 1.6 | 6 | 25-35 | 4.6 | 11 | 46-56 | 7.6 | 16 | 71-81 | 10.6 |
2 | 13-23 | 2.2 | 7 | 28-38 | 5.2 | 12 | 51-61 | 8.2 | 17 | 78-88 | 11.2 |
3 | 16-26 | 2.8 | 8 | 31-41 | 5.8 | 13 | 56-66 | 8.8 | 18 | 85-95 | 11.8 |
4 | 19-29 | 3.4 | 9 | 36-46 | 6.4 | 14 | 61-71 | 9.4 | 19 | 92-102 | 12.4 |
5 | 22-32 | 4 | 10 | 41-51 | 7 | 15 | 66-76 | 10 | 20 | 99-109 | 13 |
Shock Wave Builds[edit]
Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Werewolf, Werebear, Feral Rage, Maul, Fire Claws.
Details:: This skill steals life and mana, and also includes an attack rating bonus, but comes with a substantial damage penalty.
- Most Druids find life and mana steal from equipment more than sufficient, and do not bother with this slow, low damage attack.
Mana Cost: | 3 |
Damage: | -75% |
Skill Level Progression [e] |
Slvl | AR +X%
Life Steal +X%
Mana Steal +X%
Slvl | AR +X%
Life Steal +X%
Mana Steal +X%
Slvl | AR +X%
Life Steal +X%
Mana Steal +X%
Slvl | AR +X%
Life Steal +X%
Mana Steal +X%
1 | 50% | 72% | 72% | 6 | 100% | 132% | 132% | 11 | 150% | 156% | 156% | 16 | 200% | 170% | 170% |
2 | 60% | 90% | 90% | 7 | 110% | 138% | 138% | 12 | 160% | 159% | 159% | 17 | 210% | 171% | 171% |
3 | 70% | 104% | 104% | 8 | 120% | 143% | 143% | 13 | 170% | 162% | 162% | 18 | 220% | 173% | 173% |
4 | 80% | 116% | 116% | 9 | 130% | 149% | 149% | 14 | 180% | 165% | 165% | 19 | 230% | 174% | 174% |
5 | 90% | 125% | 125% | 10 | 140% | 152% | 152% | 15 | 190% | 167% | 167% | 20 | 240% | 176% | 176% |
Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Werewolf, Feral Rage, Rabies.
Details:: The werewolf's most popular skill; this one works just like the Paladin's Zeal, allowing the Werewolf to strike up to five times in rapid succession.
- All hits will strike a single foe. If there are multiple enemies in range, the hits will alternate between them.
Mana Cost: | 4 |
Skill Level Progression [e] |
Slvl | AR +X%
Damage +X%
# of Hits
Slvl | AR +X%
Damage +X%
# of Hits
Slvl | AR +X%
Damage +X%
# of Hits
Slvl | AR +X%
Damage +X%
# of Hits
1 | 50% | 100% | 2 | 6 | 85% | 185% | 5 | 11 | 120% | 270% | 5 | 16 | 155% | 355% | 5 |
2 | 57% | 117% | 3 | 7 | 92% | 202% | 5 | 12 | 127% | 287% | 5 | 17 | 162% | 372% | 5 |
3 | 64% | 134% | 4 | 8 | 99% | 219% | 5 | 13 | 134% | 304% | 5 | 18 | 169% | 389% | 5 |
4 | 71% | 151% | 5 | 9 | 106% | 236% | 5 | 14 | 141% | 321% | 5 | 19 | 176% | 406% | 5 |
5 | 78% | 168% | 5 | 10 | 113% | 253% | 5 | 15 | 148% | 338% | 5 | 20 | 183% | 423% | 5 |
Fury Builds[edit]
Classes of the Diablo games - Skills [e] Diablo II: Amazon Barb Necro Paladin Sorceress LoD: Assassin Druid Other: Diablo I Diablo III |