Fists of Fire

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Revision as of 06:11, 17 February 2010 by Tobinidas (talk | contribs) (Added claw-class weapons requirement)
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Fists of Fire

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Requires: Claw-class weapons.
Charge-up Skill: Combining her powerful Martial Arts abilities with her psychic training, an Assassin can charge her own fists with pyrokinetic energies, scorching her opponents when the charge is released.

Mana Cost: 2
Charge 2: +2.6 Yard Radius
Skill Level Progression [e]
Slvl Attack +X%

Charge 1 Fire Damage

Charge 3 Fire DPS

Slvl Attack +X%

Charge 1 Fire Damage

Charge 3 Fire DPS

Slvl Attack +X%

Charge 1 Fire Damage

Charge 3 Fire DPS

Slvl Attack +X%

Charge 1 Fire Damage

Charge 3 Fire DPS

1 15% 6-10 9-15 6 50% 31-35 48-54 11 85% 71-78 110-117 16 120% 121-133 189-195
2 22% 11-15 17-23 7 57% 36-40 56-62 12 92% 81-89 126-132 17 127% 141-155 214-221
3 29% 16-20 25-31 8 64% 41-45 64-70 13 99% 91-100 142-148 18 134% 161-177 239-248
4 36% 21-25 32-39 9 71% 51-56 79-85 14 106% 101-111 157-164 19 141% 181-199 264-275
5 43% 26-30 40-46 10 78% 61-67 95-101 15 113% 111-122 173-179 20 148% 201-221 289-301