- Farewell.
- For the last time, stop pestering... Oh, it's you. Welcome! Welcome!
- Go away!
- Goodbye.
- Good day.
- Good evening.
- Good morning.
- Good to see you.
- Good to see you again.
- Greetings.
- Hail to you, champion.
- Hello.
- I need your help.
- Thank you.
- Welcome, avenger.
- What?
- What can I do for you?
- What do you need?
- What do you want?
- Yes?
- Yes, yes. Goodbye.
- Your presence honors me.
- Damn it, I wish you people would just leave me alone! I...
- Oh, you're new here, aren't you?
- I am Alkor, the Alchemist. I dabble in potions and salves, and I can sell you some if you really need them.
- But don't make a habit of coming here. I don't like to be disturbed while I'm studying!
Necromancer only
- Damn it, I wish you people would just leave me alone! I...
- Oh, you're a Necromancer, aren't you? I've heard that your kind use powerful potions and such to wake the dead and control spirits. I'd love to discuss what components you use some time.
- I am Alkor, the Alchemist. I dabble in potions and salves, myself, and I can sell you some if you really need them.
- ...Feel free to drop by anytime.
The Golden Bird[edit]
This quest is initiated by picking up the Jade Figurine when a boss monster drops it. In earlier versions of the game, players had to leave town or at least leave the screen several times, before returning to speak with Alkor as he moved along the multiple steps and dialogues in the quest. Since v1.09 this is no longer necessary, and characters can simply click him several times in a row to run through all of his dialogues and get the life potion reward.
Activation (Unused)
- Who has not dreamt of immortality? One man is rumored to have done more than merely dream. Find the Golden Bird of Ku Y'leh and you might find the secret to everlasting life.
After Activation (Unused)
- Many alchemists believe that Ku Y'leh magic elixir bonded with his body before his death. His ashes are therefore considered to be very rare, highly potent, alchemical ingredients. If I could procure the ashes, I would create a potion which could defy death itself.
Return (Unused)
- Remember, Ku Y'leh ashes are stored within the statuette of the Golden Bird. The Bird is worth a great deal to the one who can locate it.
Return (with Golden Bird)
- Ah, the Golden Bird of Ku Y'leh. Thank you, my friend.
- Busy yourself while I experiment with the ashes within it. Then, return and see what I have made for you.
- From the ashes of Ku Y'leh I have mixed for you a potion.
Blade of the Old Religion[edit]
After Activation
- Have you not heard of the Gidbinn? Well, allow me to reduce your ignorance on the subject.
- The Gidbinn is an enchanted dagger - a religious artifact greatly valued by the Old Religion, Skatsim.
- Legend has it that the Skatsimi priests placed great power within the small blade. Power enough to repel this terrible jungle-curse which encroaches on our sanctuary.
- Hah! You have stolen the fabled blade from right under Zakarum's nose! This is a great day, indeed!
Lam Esen's Tome[edit]
Alkor gives this quest, and a 5 stat point reward when a character returns the book to him. Prior to v1.09 the Ruined Temple was a very hazardous dungeon, since the main entrance stairs were often "trapped" by large spawns of monster. Many players, Hardcore especially, found it wise to skip this quest on Normal, and when they got to Act Three in Nightmare and Hell they would start a new game on Normal, retrieve the book, then start a game on the higher difficulty and take the book to Alkor, thus receiving credit for the quest on Nightmare or Hell without risking the Ruined Temple.
v1.09 made this exploit impossible by attaching a difficulty level tag to all quest items. Quest items found in normal can no longer be used in Nightmare or Hell (or vice versa). However, since v1.09 also fixed most of the stair trapping issues in the Ruined Temple (and other small dungeons), that was a fair exchange.
- It pains me to waste time with you, so I'll get right to the point.
- There is a very special book which you must find for me. It was written long ago by a sage known as Lam Esen, who studied Skatsimi magic and the effects of the Prime Evils on the mortal world. The Black Book was lost when the Children of Zakarum took over this land.
- Now, you must reclaim it without delay! Its knowledge may aid us in this dark time ahead.
After Activation
- The Black Book contains powerful secrets of Skatsim, the Old Religion, long eclipsed by Zakarum.
- I should warn you. The Black Book is much sought after by both good and evil. Be wary.
- Did I neglect to mention that the book contains useful information about the Prime Evils?
- You have found the Book! It should give all of us here some insight into the nature of the Prime Evils...
- Ah, but as for you...
The Blackened Temple[edit]
Most NPCs have two sets of dialogues during this quest. The default is seen when a character has already completed the Lam Esen's Tome quest and/or the Khalim's Will quest. The alternate (more commonly seen by players) is delivered if those quests have not yet been completed (and the Black Book is still missing and/or the Zakarum are still a threat).
After Activation
- The Black Book contains some vague prophecies regarding this undertaking. I'm not so sure it will turn out well for you.
After Activation (Lam Esen's Tome quest wasn't completed)
- I am but a potion dealer and an avid reader of occult books. What do I know of the Travincal?
- Kill as many as you can. I have a morbid love of excess.
Return (Lam Esen's Tome quest wasn't completed)
- If only we could have found the Black Book. I feel as though a malevolent hand has led us away from it.
- You've accomplished the impossible! By killing the Council, the curse of Zakarum will be lifted and our land will be free!
- Oh. Thank you!
The Guardian[edit]
Most NPCs have two sets of dialogues during this quest. The default is seen when a character has already completed the Lam Esen's Tome quest and/or the Khalim's Will quest. The alternate (more commonly seen by players) is delivered if those quests have not yet been completed (and the Black Book is still missing and/or the Zakarum are still a threat).
After Activation
- The hidden ways of the Tower are long forgotten. Though... it is rumored to have been built as far below the ground as above it.
After Activation (Lam Esen's Tome quest wasn't completed)
- We have seen Diablo, but remain unsure of his Brothers' whereabouts.
- Well, the good news is that events are unfolding just as Lam Esen foretold. The bad news is that the story ends in our utter ruin!
Return (Lam Esen's Tome quest wasn't completed)
- I'm afraid both fear and a large dose of elixir preclude me from answering.
- Your news is great indeed. You have saved us all. I would smile, but I'm afraid my face might collapse.
- Care to take a gander at my Grimoire?
- I've never claimed that you'd live forever after trying one of my potions! Merely that you might look as though you had.
- I keep a library of tomes - heretical, exegetical, hermeneutical and pharmaceutical.
- There was a very fat man here recently asking after the Golden Bird of Ku Y'leh. Have you heard of it? He kept muttering about ashes. I would imagine one Golden Bird's ash-hole to be about the same as another, wouldn't you?
- I hope you don't object to my badgering the witless.
About Asheara
- Oh, Asheara's a good customer. She buys a potion of manliness from me every week.
About Hratli
- Hratli's only good for making his silly magic weapons. It's not like he's got the stones to actually go out and use them on anything.
About Meshif
- You came here with Meshif? That old 'tour-guide to the stupid'!
- I'm surprised you made it here in one piece.
About Natalya
- Yes, Natalya is a cute girl. However, I think she could use a special potion.
- Let me see here, 'Radiant Beauty'... No. 'Ray of Sunshine'... No, that's not it.
- Ah, here it is: 'Relax Frosty Bitch'. This should help her out.
About Ormus
- Oh, Ormus has been talking in riddles for years. I think he does it to cover up the fact that he's got nothing intelligent to say.
Necromancer only
- Even I can tell that the evil in the jungle is growing. I hope you survive out there, my pasty friend. I'd still like to discuss what components are best used in necromantic potions.
Gossip (about Alkor)[edit]
From Hratli
- Alkor is a potion dealer given over to a life steeped in ceaseless study and dissipation.
From Meshif
- I went to speak with old Alkor, but I disturbed his studies. He doesn't seem to like visitors.
From Ormus
- Alkor is able to explain things much more clearly than Ormus.
Characters & NPCs [e]
D2 NPCs D1 NPCs |
Act I |
Akara - Charsi - Chickens - Deckard Cain - Flavie - Gheed - Kashya - Rogue NPCs - Warriv |
Act II |
Atma - Deckard Cain - Drognan - Elzix - Fara - Geglash - Greiz - Jerhyn - Kaelan - Lysander - Meshif - Tyrael - Warriv |
Act III |
Alkor - Asheara - Deckard Cain - Hratli - Meshif - Natalya - Ormus - Iron Wolves - Dark Wanderer |
Act IV | |
Act V |
Anya - Deckard Cain - Larzuk - Malah - Nihlathak - Qual-Kehk - Ancients - Tyrael - Barbarian NPCs - Bunnies - Bunny Roaster |