Archbishop Lazarus
The Archbishop Lazarus quest is the second to last in Diablo, and one of the most involved, in the single player game. It's less complicated in multiplayer, where it appears every game, and is enjoyed by most players as the best "item run" in the game.
Lazarus is a powerful Advocate, and facing him is the first time players really need high fire resistance in the game.
- See Lazarus' stats here.
Voice Actor: Paul Eiding
[hide]Archbishop Lazarus[edit]
- Quest Name: Archbishop Lazarus
- Triggered By: Multiplayer: reaching level 14. Singleplayer: returning to Cain with the Staff of Lazarus.
- Frequency: Every game in SP and MP.
- Given by: Deckard Cain.
- Location: Dungeon Level 15 in MP, a sub-level reached through a red portal from level 15 in SP.
- Reward: Random magical item from Lazarus, two more from Blackjade and Red Vex, and the ability to descend to level 16.
Finding and killing Archbishop Lazarus is a requirement before players may make the descent to level 16, the lowest level of the dungeon, where they will ultimately do battle against the Lord of Terror himself.
This quest is fairly simple in multiplayer. You need simply descend to level 15, head to the northern corner where Lazarus and a few helpers are always located, and kill him. Only Lazarus must be killed to complete the quest, but it's a rare player who doesn't polish off the SuperUnique witches Red Vex and Blackjade, since they're in the same room and worth a top quality item each.
Once Lazarus is dead you can return to town, where you must speak to Cain before the red portal will open, allowing you to descend to level 16.
Single Player[edit]
In single player this quest is much more complicated. Lazarus is not found on level 15. Instead you find a small area of decorations, which include the Staff of Lazarus. This item must be taken from the rack and returned to town. Then Cain will take it and deliver one of his longest (no, really) speeches:
- This does not bode well, for it confirms my darkest fears. While I did not allow myself to believe the ancient legends, I cannot deny them now. Perhaps the time has come to reveal who I am."
- My true name is Deckard Cain the Elder, and I am the last descendant of an ancient brotherhood that was dedicated to safeguarding the secrets of a timeless evil. An evil that quite obviously has now been released."
- The Archbishop Lazarus, once King Leoric's most trusted advisor, led a party of simple townsfolk into the labyrinth to find the king's missing son, Albrecht. Quite some time passed before they returned, and only a few of them escaped with their lives."
- Curse me for a fool! I should have suspected his veiled treachery then. It must have been Lazarus himself who kidnapped Albrecht and has since hidden him within the labyrinth. I do not understand why the Archbishop turned to the darkness, or what his interest is in the child. Unless he means to sacrifice him to his dark master."
- That must be what he has planned! The survivors of his rescue party say that Lazarus was last seen running into the deepest bowels of the dungeon. You must hurry and save the prince from the sacrificial blade of this demented fiend."
You must move through the level, using two teleporter pads to open walls, before a final teleport square becomes active, and takes you into the center portion of the level. When you appear there a special short cinematic plays, after which the game returns to normal view, and you see Lazarus beside a sacrificial altar, with two SuperUnique witches. They can not be attacked yet, but you are able to move around freely while Lazarus gives a speech about the futility of your efforts. Once he's done talking he becomes active and vulnerable, but at the same time a wall vanishes on the left side of the dungeon, spilling forth another dozen Hell Spawn and an Advocate. Most players retreat from the large room and kill off the witches in the side corridors, before heading back to deal with Lazarus and the other Advocate.
When you've killed Lazarus you must return to town, get one final speech from Cain, and then head back down again. The stairway will now have appeared in the center of the pentagram, and your destiny with Diablo awaits.
Strategy Tips[edit]
Rogues and Sorcerers have a much easier time with this quest than Warriors, whether on single or multiplayer. In MP, the witches and advocates in Lazarus' room can be activated or killed with ranged shots without moving in front of the doorway and waking up Lazarus. In SP, Lazarus' whole level is an enjoyable shooting gallery for a rogue, and Sorcerers don't have much troubling using Chain Lightning to plow through it either, though the various Advocates (triple immune on Hell) can be slightly more trying.
The secret room full of witches on single player Lazarus' level can be lured out a few at a time, but any character with high level Chain Lightning and enough magic resistance to take a bit of damage should just bring forth all the witches at once. Get them in one of the side corridors so your lightning is concentrated, and cook all of them at once with just a few properly aimed Chain Lightnings.
Quest Dialogues[edit]
- This does not bode well, for it confirms my darkest fears. While I did not allow myself to believe the ancient legends, I cannot deny them now. Perhaps the time has come to reveal who I am.
- My true name is Deckard Cain the Elder, and I am the last descendant of an ancient Brotherhood that was dedicated to safeguarding the secrets of a timeless evil. An evil that quite obviously has now been released.
- The Archbishop Lazarus, once King Leoric's most trusted advisor, led a party of simple townsfolk into the Labyrinth to find the King's missing son, Albrecht. Quite some time passed before they returned, and only a few of them escaped with their lives.
- Curse me for a fool! I should have suspected his veiled treachery then. It must have been Lazarus himself who kidnapped Albrecht and has since hidden him within the Labyrinth. I do not understand why the Archbishop turned to the darkness, or what his interest is in the child. Unless he means to sacrifice him to his dark masters!
- That must be what he has planned! The survivors of his 'rescue party' say that Lazarus was last seen running into the deepest bowels of the labyrinth. You must hurry and save the prince from the sacrificial blade of this demented fiend!
- I did not know this Lazarus of whom you speak, but I do sense a great conflict within his being. He poses a great danger, and will stop at nothing to serve the powers of darkness which have claimed him as theirs.
- You must hurry and rescue Albrecht from the hands of Lazarus. The prince and the people of this kingdom are counting on you!
- They stab, then bite, then they're all around you. Liar! LIAR! They're all dead! Dead! Do you hear me? They just keep falling and falling... their blood spilling out all over the floor... all his fault...
- I remember Lazarus as being a very kind and giving man. He spoke at my mother's funeral, and was supportive of my grandmother and myself in a very troubled time. I pray every night that somehow, he is still alive and safe.
- I was there when Lazarus led us into the labyrinth. He spoke of holy retribution, but when we started fighting those hellspawn, he did not so much as lift his mace against them. He just ran deeper into the dim, endless chambers that were filled with the servants of darkness!
- Lazarus was the Archbishop who led many of the townspeople into the labyrinth. I lost many good friends that day, and Lazarus never returned. I suppose he was killed along with most of the others. If you would do me a favor, good master - please do not talk to Farnham about that day.
- I was shocked when I heard of what the townspeople were planning to do that night. I thought that of all people, Lazarus would have had more sense than that. He was an Archbishop, and always seemed to care so much for the townsfolk of Tristram. So many were injured, I could not save them all...
- Yes, the righteous Lazarus, who was sooo effective against those monsters down there. Didn't help save my leg, did it? Look, I'll give you a free piece of advice. Ask Farnham, he was there.
Arch-Bishop Lazarus
- Abandon your foolish quest. All that awaits you is the wrath of my Master! You are too late to save the child. Now you will join him in Hell!
- Your madness ends here, betrayer!
Characters & NPCs [e]
D2 NPCs D1 NPCs |
Diablo NPCs |
Adria - Cain - Cows - Farnham - Gillian - Griswold - Kael Rills - Ogden - Pepin - Wirt |
Hellfire NPCs | |
Monster NPCs |
Gharbad - Lachdanan - Lazarus - Snotspill - Zhar -- Defiler - Na-Krul |
Others |
Diablo I - Hellfire [e]
Basics Quests Skills Monsters |
Quest General Info - Quest Items[e] | ||||
Church |
Catacombs |
Caves |
Hell |
Hellfire Quests |