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Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Inferno
Synergies: None. Details: Blaze leaves a trail of fire behind the Sorceress as she walks or runs along, for as long as she keeps the spell active.

  • An interesting spell; this one can not be cast at anything; only created on the ground behind the Sorceress. It's therefore useless against shamans, ranged attackers, and other monsters that do not pursue.
  • Blaze is essentially a novelty spell, something fun to play with early on, but not practical or damaging enough to use long term.
Skill Level Progression [e]
Slvl Mana



Slvl Mana



Slvl Mana



Slvl Mana



1 11.0 18-37 4.6 sec 6 13.0 65-84 9.6 sec 11 16.0 126-145 14.6 sec 16 18.0 196-215 19.6 sec
2 11.5 28-46 5.6 sec 7 14.0 75-93 10.6 sec 12 16.0 140-159 15.6 sec 17 19.0 215-234 20.6 sec
3 12.0 37-56 6.6 sec 8 14.0 84-103 11.6 sec 13 17.0 154-173 16.6 sec 18 19.0 234-253 21.6 sec
4 12.0 46-65 7.6 sec 9 15.0 98-117 12.6 sec 14 17.0 168-187 17.6 sec 19 20.0 253-271 22.6 sec
5 13.0 56-75 8.6 sec 10 15.0 112-131 13.6 sec 15 18.0 182-201 18.6 sec 20 20.0 271-290 23.6 sec