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Tornado is a level 24 skill from the Druid's Elemental Skill Tree.


Damage Type: Physical

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites: Arctic Blast, Cyclone Armor, Twister.
Synergies: Tornado is boosted by points added to the following skills:

Details: An upgraded version of Twister, a Tornado is much larger and more powerful, but lacks the stunning effect of the smaller Twisters. Tornados can be paired with Twisters to add damage while retaining the handy stunning bonus.

The Tornado will pass through multiple targets and continue, but it has no knock back or stun, unlike Twister. Also like Twister, there is no casting delay.

The damage from Twister and Tornado is physical, just as if the Druid walked up and punched them. This is helpful on monsters that have an elemental immunity, but makes them worthless in Hell, where every monster has at least 50% physical resistance.

Mana Cost: 10
Skill Level Progression [e]
Slvl Damage

Slvl Damage

Slvl Damage

Slvl Damage

1 25-35 6 67-79 11 128-142 16 211-231
2 29-41 7 76-88 12 145-160 17 227-248
3 38-50 8 86-97 13 161-178 18 251-273
4 48-60 9 95-107 14 178-195 19 274-298
5 57-69 10 112-125 15 194-213 20 298-323

Tornado BuildsEdit