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Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Telekinesis.
Synergies: None.
Details: Teleport moves the Sorceress instantly to any valid location she can point her cursor at. This skill will pop her over creeks, past any number of monsters, through walls, etc.

  • Teleport is a great time-saver, as well as a way to escape monsters.
  • With each Teleport the all of a character's minion(s) will all reappear directly on top of them. This is very useful to keep them organized and to best use them to position monsters for destructive spell damage.
  • Items that grant Teleport or teleport charges are quite popular for all characters, especially when used in duelling or Magic Finding.
  • Additional points in Teleport do nothing but reduce the mana cost, so one here is enough.
Skill Level Progression [e]
Slvl Mana

Slvl Mana

Slvl Mana

Slvl Mana

1 24 6 19 11 14 16 9
2 23 7 18 12 13 17 8
3 22 8 17 13 12 18 7
4 21 9 16 14 11 19 6
5 20 10 15 15 10 20 5