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Revision as of 04:53, 9 June 2008 by Indodude (talk | contribs) (Act One: Jail 1 -> Jail)

Each level in Diablo II is a self-contained area with its own monsters and treasures. When entering a new level bold red text appears on the screen, informing the player of their location. Levels vary greatly in size and importance; some are visited constantly and full of important monsters, valuable treasures, and crucial quest items, while others are small, obscure, or entirely ignored and neglected.

Characters in the same party must be in the same level to share experience and gold picked up. This sharing is based entirely on the level, not the distance. It's possible to be half a screen from another character, and if they've crossed over the boundary to another level nothing will be shared.

Click the individual levels for more information about that area, including screenshots, monster types found there, levels, waypoints, gold chests, and more.


Act One

Act Two

Act Three

Act Four

Act Five

Pandemonium Event

Four more areas are accessible through the special realm-only quest, the Pandemonium Event. These can only be accessed on the realms, in v1.11, and not at all in single player. These areas are identical to areas found elsewhere in the game, are non-random in layout, and are occupied only by the various Uber Monsters. The levels are: