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Lachdanan is an NPC found on the 14th level of the dungeon. He can not be targeted, and when clicked on gives a speech explaining how he was once one of King Leoric's knights, and how he is now damned to hell, unless you can find and bring him a golden elixir. Handy stuff.


  • Quest Name: Lachdanan
  • Triggered By: Speaking to Lachdanan.
  • Frequency: Single player only, occurs in half of games.
  • Given by: Lachdanan.
  • Location: Dungeon Level 14, elixir found on level 15.
  • Reward: Veil of Steel unique great helm, one random magical weapon.

Lachdanan is a knight who once served King Leoric. When he refused to follow the mad King's orders and slay the madman, he was damned to hell by the dying monarch. He needs a special golden elixir to ward off the curse, and hopes you can find it for him. It can be tricky to locate, but it's always somewhere on level 15, looking like a rejuvenation potion while on the ground. Return it to Lachdanan and after a brief speech of gratitude, he dissipates with the usual knight death animation and drops the unique Veil of Steel, as well as a random weapon.


Veil of Steel
(Great Helm)
Armor Class: 18
+50% Resist All
-20% Light Radius
+60% Armor
-30 Mana
+15 Strength
+15 Vitality
Requirements: None
Durability: 60

The Veil of Steel is an excellent helm, especially for warriors, who get the most benefit from the vitality bonus. The loss of mana hurts them quite a bit though, since they have so little mana to begin with. Other characters may wear it as well, for the large strength and resistance bonus, though the lessened light radius is generally not desired by rogues and sorcerers, who like to see their enemies from as far away as possible.

Strategy Tips

Though the Veil of Steel is a very nice helm, most players curse at this quest, since getting it means you did not get the super-profitable The Warlord of Blood quest. It's also annoying to have to return to level 14, once you've moved on to 15 and are ready to head to Lazarus' hideout.

Try to remember roughly where Lachdanan is when you find him on 14. He can often be quite tricky to find again once you've got the elixir, since he has a low light radius and can spawn anywhere on level 14, and you tend to forget his location during your time clearing out the rest of 14, and then hunting for his elixir on 15.

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Quests in Diablo and Hellfire -- Quest General Info -- D1 & HF Quest Items [e]





Hellfire Quests:

LACHDANAN Quest given by Quest level Quest goal Quest reward

Lachdanan 14 Golden Potion Veil of Steel and random magic item This quest is only available in single-player games. Find Lachdanan on Level 14 and talk to him. He will not attack you, and will explain his story of how he was one of King Leoric's Knights until a curse came upon him. He is the only one of the Blood Knights which has stood the curse and kept his sanity, and requests that you find him a golden potion so he can end his life without being eternally damned. Head down to Level 15 and search for this potion. Once you find it, return to Lachdanan and give it to him. He will give you give you the Veil of Steel and, after he kills himself, he will drop a magical item for your use. He is very vunerable to fireballs and holy bolt.

