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Lachdanan is an NPC found on the 14th level of the dungeon. He can not be targeted, and when clicked on gives a speech explaining how he was once one of King Leoric's knights, and how he is now damned to hell, unless you can find and bring him a golden elixir. Handy stuff.

This quest is single player only.



  • Quest Name: Lachdanan
  • Triggered By: Speaking to Lachdanan.
  • Frequency: Single player only, occurs in half of games.
  • Given by: Lachdanan.
  • Location: Dungeon Level 14, elixir found on level 15.
  • Reward: Veil of Steel unique great helm, one random magical weapon.

Strategy TipsEdit

Try to remember roughly where Lachdanan is when you find him on 14. He can often be quite tricky to find again once you've got the elixir, since he has a low light radius and can spawn anywhere on level 14, and you tend to forget his location during your time clearing out the rest of 14, and then hunting for his elixir on 15.

Though the Veil of Steel is a very nice helm, most players curse at this quest, since getting it means you did not get the super-profitable Warlord of Blood quest. It's also annoying to have to return to level 14, once you've moved on to 15 and are ready to head to Lazarus' hideout.


Veil of Steel
(Great Helm)
Armor Class: 18
+50% Resist All
-20% Light Radius
+60% Armor
-30 Mana
+15 Strength
+15 Vitality
Requirements: None
Durability: 60

The Veil of Steel is an excellent helm, especially for warriors, who get the most benefit from the vitality bonus. The loss of mana hurts them quite a bit though, since they have so little mana to begin with. Other characters may wear it as well, for the large strength and resistance bonus, though the lessened light radius is generally not desired by rogues and sorcerers, who like to see their enemies from as far away as possible.


Lachdanan is a knight who once served King Leoric. When he refused to follow the mad King's orders and slay the madman, he was damned to hell by the dying monarch. He needs a special golden elixir to ward off the curse, and hopes you can find it for him. It can be tricky to locate, but it's always somewhere on level 15, looking like a rejuvenation potion while on the ground. Return it to Lachdanan and after a brief speech of gratitude, he dissipates with the usual knight death animation and drops the unique Veil of Steel, as well as a random weapon.

Quest DialoguesEdit



Please, don't kill me, just hear me out. I was once Captain of King Leoric's Knights, upholding the laws of this land with justice and honor. Then his dark Curse fell upon us for the role we played in his tragic death. As my fellow Knights succumbed to their twisted fate, I fled from the King's burial chamber, searching for some way to free myself from the Curse. I failed...
I have heard of a Golden Elixir that could lift the Curse and allow my soul to rest, but I have been unable to find it. My strength now wanes, and with it the last of my humanity as well. Please aid me and find the Elixir. I will repay your efforts - I swear upon my honor.



You may meet people who are trapped within the Labyrinth, such as Lachdanan.
I sense in him honor and great guilt. Aid him, and you aid all of Tristram.


You claim to have spoken with Lachdanan? He was a great hero during his life. Lachdanan was an honorable and just man who served his King faithfully for years. But of course, you already know that.
Of those who were caught within the grasp of the King's Curse, Lachdanan would be the least likely to submit to the darkness without a fight, so I suppose that your story could be true. If I were in your place, my friend, I would find a way to release him from his torture.


Lachdanan is dead. Everybody knows that, and you can't fool me into thinking any other way. You can't talk to the dead. I know!


I've never heard of a Lachdanan before. I'm sorry, but I don't think that I can be of much help to you.


If it is actually Lachdanan that you have met, then I would advise that you aid him. I dealt with him on several occasions and found him to be honest and loyal in nature. The curse that fell upon the followers of King Leoric would fall especially hard upon him.


You speak of a brave warrior long dead! I'll have no such talk of speaking with departed souls in my inn yard, thank you very much.


A golden elixir, you say. I have never concocted a potion of that color before, so I can't tell you how it would effect you if you were to try to drink it. As your healer, I strongly advise that should you find such an elixir, do as Lachdanan asks and DO NOT try to use it.


Wait, let me guess. Cain was swallowed up in a gigantic fissure that opened beneath him. He was incinerated in a ball of hellfire, and can't answer your questions anymore. Oh, that isn't what happened? Then I guess you'll be buying something or you'll be on your way.


Lachdanan (Return)

You have not found the Golden Elixir. I fear that I am doomed for eternity. Please, keep trying...

Player (when picking up the Golden Elixir)

I need to get this to Lachdanan.



You have saved my soul from damnation, and for that I am in your debt. If there is ever a way that I can repay you from beyond the grave I will find it, but for now - take my helm. On the journey I am about to take I will have little use for it. May it protect you against the dark powers below. Go with the Light, my friend...