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Jalal's Mane

Jalal's Mane is an exceptional Unique Druid Pelt with an item level of 50 and a Character Level requirement of 42.

Much like the Barb Class helm Arreat's Face, Jalal's has massive bonuses and is quite popular with any Druid. The lack of mana or life leech is somewhat annoying, but the +5 mana per kill makes it more great for an Elemental Druid as well. As with the Barb helm, only the lack of Magic Find and/or Physical Damage Reduction makes this less than a perfect item. It's relatively hard to find as it's higher level than most other class specific items.


The head is one of the most vulnerable and important parts of the body, so protective headgear of all sorts have long been a staple of a decent suit of armor. The simplest designs consist chiefly of a tight-fitting leather or metal cap, securely fastened to remain atop one's head. More advanced designs include faceted sides to deflect and absorb attacks, noseguards and gorgets to protect the nose and neck, and even visors that close over the face. A sturdy helm may be one of the best investments an adventurer can make.

Class-specific items are much like other items. They have a variety of stats and types, can be found magical, Rare, Unique, and sometimes in Sets as well. The real difference is that these items can only be used by one character class, and they can have random bonuses to individual skills, much like the ones you see on wands/staves/scepters in Diablo II. This is in contrast with magic items possessing class-specific Skill Level and Druid Skill Tree prefixes, which may be used by classes other than the Druid without benefiting from the skill modifiers.

Druids have special Animal Pelts for their class-specific gear. These have bonuses to individual Druid skills as inherent properties, and can also get magical bonuses to Druid skill trees or even all skills. Since Druids are very into +skills from their equipment, a good class-specific helm is probably the best possible item for your character.

  • Druid Pelts cannot be gambled in the Expansion, they must be found.
  • Exceptional Uniques are found only in the Diablo II Expansion, not in Diablo II Classic.


  • Item Level: Chests and monsters must be at least this level to drop the item. Ilvl is used in gambling, sales and other calculations as well.
  • Clvl Req: Your character must be this level or higher to equip the item. No Uniques had Clvl requirements prior to v1.07 D2.

v1.09+ StatsEdit

Image Name Properties Special Properties
Jalal's Mane
Totemic Mask
184-297 Defense
20 Durability
65 Str Required
Item Level: 50
Clvl Req: 42
+2 To Druid Skills
+2 To Shape-Shifting Skills (Druid Only)
+150-200% Enhanced Defense
30% Faster Hit Recovery
+20% Bonus to Attack Rating
+20 to Strength
+20 to Energy
+5 Mana After Each Kill
All Resistances +30

Prior StatsEdit

  • v1.08: Had +2 To Druid Skills, +1 To Shape-Shifting Skills (Druid Only), Knockback, 20% Faster Hit Recovery, +25% Chance of Crushing Blow, +20% Stamina Regen, +50 To Life.