Shadow Killer
Shadow Killer is an elite Unique Assassin Weapon with an item level of 85 and a Character Level requirement of 78.
This Unique can only be found by Realm Ladder characters, or in single player.
Class-specific items are much like other items. They have a variety of stats and types, can be found magical, Rare, Unique, and sometimes in Sets as well. The real difference is that these items can only be used by one character class, and they can have random bonuses to individual skills, much like the ones you see on wands/staves/scepters in Diablo II. This is in contrast with magic items possessing class-specific Skill Level and Amazon Skill Tree prefixes, which may be used by classes other than the Amazon without benefiting from the skill modifiers.
Assassins have the closest-relationship to their class-specific equipment of any class. Amazons and Sorceresses can use other weapons, Barbs and Druids can use other helms, and Paladins and Necros can use other shields, but Assassins are largely forced to use their Claw-Class weapons since they have Claw Mastery and some charge ups that only work with Claws.
- Elite Uniques are found only in the Diablo II Expansion, not in Diablo II Classic.
- Item Level: Chests and monsters must be at least this level to drop the item. Ilvl is used in gambling, sales and other calculations as well.
- Clvl Req: Your character must be this level or higher to equip the item. No Uniques had Clvl requirements prior to v1.07 D2.
- Range: Goes from 1 (least) to 5 (most), and is identical for all melee weapon types. I.E. a 3 sword = a 3 spear = a 3 hammer.
- Dmg Bonus: This determines how you multiply the item damage by your stats to reach the actual damage. Each point in this statistic multiplies your damage by bonus/100 %. For example a damage bonus of 70 is 70/100 or and additional .7% weapon damage per point. Most weapons have 100 str, which gives 100/100 or an additional 1% weapon damage per point in str.
- Weapon Speed (WSM): A relative comparison to other weapons of the same type. 0 is the base -10, -20, etc is faster, 10, 20, etc is slower.
- Swing Speed: The speed shown in-game for each character using this melee weapon. This speed is mostly meaningless and is included for completeness only. Characters are abbreviated to their first letters, with Amazon = Am and Assassin = As.
v1.10+ Stats[edit]
Image | Name | Properties | Special Properties | Attack Stats |
Shadow Killer Battle Cestus |
Ladder Only (108-163.5 Avg) (99.9-151) To (116.1-176) 100 Str Required 100 Dex Required Item Level: 85 Clvl Req: 78 |
+170-220% Enhanced Damage -25% Target Defense Hit Freezes Target +2 +10-15 Mana after each kill 33% Chance to cast level 8 Frost Nova on striking Ethereal (Cannot Be Repaired) Indestructible |
Range: 1 Dmg Bonus: 75 Dex, 75 Str Weapon Speed: -10 |
Diablo II Items [e]
Items Basics
Unique Armor I
Unique Armor II
Unique Weapons I
Unique Weapons II
Unique Weapons III
Unique Class Items
Item Sets
Amazon [e] | Assassin | Barbarian | Druid | Necromancer | Paladin | Sorceress |
Amazon Weapons |
Assassin Claws |
Barbarian Helms |
Druid Helms |
Necromancer Totems |
Paladin Shields |
Sorceress Orbs |