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Dwarf Star

Dwarf Star is a Unique Ring with an item level of 53 and a Character Level requirement of 45.

  • See the Unique Rings page for detailed information on gambling and drop odds.


Rings and amulets are a very important part of a character's equipment. While not providing any armor protection, these jewelry items can provide essential boosts to stats, mana, resistances, and other properties.

  • Unique jewelry can be gambled in Diablo II, except in patch versions 1.07 and 1.08.
  • In 1.10 of the Expansion the odds of gambling a Unique is 1 in 2000.


  • Item Level: Chests and monsters must be at least this level to drop the item. Ilvl is used in gambling, sales and other calculations as well.
  • Clvl Req: Your character must be this level or higher to equip the item. No Uniques had Clvl requirements prior to v1.07 D2.

v1.09+ StatsEdit

Image Name Properties Special Properties
Dwarf Star Rarity: 188.7/1000
Item level: 53
Clvl req: 45
+100% Extra Gold From Monsters
+40 to Maximum Stamina
Heal Stamina Plus 15%
+40 to Life
Magical Damage Taken Reduced by 12-15
15% Fire Absorb

Prior StatsEdit

  • v1.08: Had +70% Extra Gold From Monsters, +25 to Maximum Stamina, Heal Stamina Plus 15%, +40 to Life, Magical Damage Taken Reduced by 15.