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Honor, made from Amn, El, Ith, Tir, and Sol, in that order. This works in five socket melee weapons. Possible in v1.08 and above.

This runeword is the only known fan tattoo'ed runeword. Why Honor? Unknown. Probably more for the name than the utility/stats.

Honor on a pike.
Honor on an arm.

You'll think twice about calling yourself a "real" Diablo II fan after seeing this, won't you?

Runeword Stats Comments Active In
v1.11+ v1.10 v1.09

Amn (11) + El (1) + Ith (6) + Tir (3) + Sol (12)
All Melee Weapons {5}
Clvl Required: 27

+1 to all skills

+160% Enhanced Damage
+9 to Minimum Damage
+9 to Maximum Damage
+250 Attack Rating
7% Life Stolen per Hit
25% Deadly Strike
+10 to Strength Replenish life +10
+2 to Mana after each Kill
+1 to Light Radius

See it here. Yes Yes Yes