Unique Boots

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This is a list of all unique boots found in the game. Click each unique name for more details.

Boots are an essential piece of equipment, with potentially very useful modifiers. Fastest run, resistances, +stats, +hit points and mana, and more. Good modifiers on boots can be as good as any item in your equipment.


A few unique items have changed with the release of the 1.10 Patch. All new unique items found will have the same stats as the ones in the table below, items found in 1.09 or earlier may have slightly different stats. Items that have had changes will marked with a * and the change will be listed under the table.

  • In 1.10 of the Expansion the odds of gambling a Unique is 1 in 2000.
  • Item Level: Chests and monsters must be at least this level to drop the item. Ilvl is used in gambling, sales and other calculations as well.
  • Clvl Req: Your character must be this level or higher to equip the item. No Uniques had Clvl requirements prior to v1.07 D2.
  • Kick Damage: New in 1.10, the kick damage is used by the Assassin's kick finishers. Only Assassins can see this.
  • Ladder Only uniques are available in all game modes including non-ladder Single Player in Diablo 2: Resurrected.


Normal Uniques are identical in Diablo II and the Expansion.

Spawn in 1.09 or later[edit]

Image Name Properties Special Properties
Hotspur *
10 Defense
12 Durability
0 Str Required
3-8 Kick Damage
Item Level: 7
Clvl Req: 5
+15% to Maximum Fire Resist
+15 to Life
Adds 3-6 Fire Damage
+6 Defense
Fire Resist +45%
+10-20% Enhanced Defense
Gorefoot *
Heavy Boots
20-21 Defense
14 Durability
18 Str Required
4-10 Kick Damage
Item Level: 12
Clvl Req: 9
20% Faster Run/Walk
+2% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Attacker Takes Damage of 2
+12 Defense
+20-30% Enhanced Defense
+2 To Leap (Barbarian Only)
Boots-treads cthon.gif
Treads of Cthon *
Chain Boots
25-26 Defense
16 Durability
30 Str Required
6-12 Kick Damage
Item Level: 20
Clvl Req: 15
30% Faster Run/Walk
+50 Defense vs. Missiles
+50% Slower Stamina Drain
+10 to Life
+12 Defense
+30-40% Enhanced Defense
Goblin Toe *
Light Plated Boots
33-34 Defense
18 Durability
50 Str Required
8-16 Kick Damage
Item Level: 30
Clvl Req: 22
+25% Chance of Crushing Blow
Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 1
Magical Damage Taken Reduced by 1
+15 Defense
-1 to Light Radius
+50-60% Enhanced Defense
Tearhaunch *
60-63 Defense
24 Durability
70 Str Required
10-20 Kick Damage
Item Level: 39
Clvl Req: 29
+35 Defense
+5 to Strength
+5 to Dexterity
20% Faster Run/Walk
All Resistances +10
+60-80% Enhanced Defense
+2 To Vigor (Paladin Only)

1.08 Statistics[edit]

Many Uniques changed stats in v1.09. If the item was found prior to v1.09 it will have different stats. Items not listed below didn't have any changes.

  • Hotspur: Had +10 Defense, +15% to Maximum Fire Resist, +15 to Life, +3-6 Fire Damage, +15% Fire Resist.
  • Gorefoot: Had +20% Faster Run/Walk, 2% Mana Stolen Per Hit, Attacker Takes Damage of 2, +12 Defense.
  • Treads of Cthon: Didn't have +30-40% Enhanced Defense, rest is same.
  • Goblin Toe: Did not have +50-60% Enhanced Defense, rest is same.
  • Tearhaunch: Didn't have +60-80% Enhanced Defense or +2 to Vigor, rest is same.


Exceptional Uniques are only found in the Diablo II Expansion, not in Diablo II.

Spawn in 1.09 or later[edit]

Image Name Properties Special Properties
Infernostride *
Demonhide Boots
78-104 Defense
12 Durability
20 Str Required
26-46 Kick Damage
Item Level: 37
Clvl req: 29
Adds 12-33 Fire Damage
20% Faster Run/Walk
+10% to Maximum Fire Resist
Fire Resist +30%
+2 Light Radius
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+40-70% More Gold from Monsters
+15 Defense
5% Chance To Cast slvl 8 Blaze When Struck
Waterwalk *
Sharkskin Boots
94-123 Defense
70 Durability
47 Str Required
28-50 Kick Damage
Item Level: 40
Clvl req: 32
+100 Defense vs. Missiles
20% Faster Run/Walk
+15 to Dexterity
+180-210% Enhanced Defense
+45-65 to Life
+40 Stamina
+5% to Maximum Fire Resist
+50% Stamina Regen
Silkweave *
Mesh Boots
92-127 Defense
16 Durability
65 Str Required
23-52 Kick Damage
Item Level: 44
Clvl req: 36
+150-190% Enhanced Defense
+5 Mana After Each Kill
+200 Defense vs. Missiles
Maximum Mana +10%
30% Faster Run/Walk
War Traveler *
Battle Boots
99-138 Defense
48 Durability
95 Str Required
37-64 Kick Damage
Item Level: 50
Clvl req: 42
+10 to Vitality
+10 to Strength
+30-50% Better chance of getting magical item
+30 Increased Durability
25% Faster Run/Walk
+150-190% Enhanced Defense
Adds 15-25 Damage
Attacker Takes Damage Of 5-10
40% Slower Stamina Drain
Gore Rider *
War Boots
113-144 Defense
34 Durability
93 Str Required
39-80 Kick Damage
Item Level: 55
Clvl req: 47
-25% Item Requirements
+15% Chance of Deadly Strike
30% Faster Run/Walk
+15% Chance of Crushing Blow
+10% Chance of Open Wounds
+160-200% Enhanced Defense
+10 Increased Durability
+20 Stamina

1.08 Statistics[edit]

Many Uniques changed stats in v1.09. If the item was found prior to v1.09 it will have different stats. Items not listed below didn't have any changes.

  • Infernostride: Added 10-35 Fire Damage, 30% Faster Run/Walk, +15% to Maximum Fire Resist, Fire Resist +20%, +2 Light Radius, +120% Enhanced Defense, +65% More Gold from Monsters.
  • Waterwalk: Had +200% Enhanced Defense, +65 to Life, no +Max Fire Resist or Stamina Regen, rest is same.
  • Silkweave: Had +180% Enhanced Defense, +50 Defense vs. Missiles, rest is same.
  • War Traveler: Had 100% More Gold from Monsters, +10 To Dexterity, +45% Better Chance Of Getting Magical Items, +100% Durability, 20% Faster Run/Walk, +110% Enhanced Defense.
  • Gore Rider: Had -25% Item Requirements, +15% Chance of Deadly Strike, +10 To Maximum Damage, 30% Faster Run/Walk, +65% Enhanced Defense.


Elite Uniques are only found in the Diablo II Expansion, not in Diablo II.

Spawn in 1.10 or later[edit]

Image Name Properties Special Properties
Boneweave Boots
59-67 Defense
162-204 Total Defense
16 Durability
118 Str Required
69-118 Kick Damage
Item Level: 74
Clvl req: 66
+170-200% Enhanced Defense
20% Faster Run/Walk
Level 33 Bone Prison (13 Charges)
Level 12 Life Tap (10 Charges)
Heal Stamina Plus 10%
+10% Mana Regen
Half Freeze Duration
+10-20 to Strength
+17 to Dexterity
+1-2 to Skeleton Mastery (Necromancer Only)
Merman's Sprocket
Wyrmhide Boots

Does not spawn
54-62 Defense
664-682 Total Defense
12 Durability
50 Str Required
65-100 Kick Damage
Item Level:
Clvl req: 69
+410-420 Defense
+310 Defense Vs. Missile
+65% Faster Run/Walk
Replenish Life +5
Regenerate Mana 8%
+60-75 Magic Absorb
+55 Cold Absorb
Cannot Be Frozen
+ (0.75 Per Character Level) +0.75-74.24 To Mana (Based On Character Level)
+ (0.75 Per Character Level) Poison Resist +0.75-74.24% (Based On Character Level)
Sandstorm Trek
Scarabshell Boots
56-65 Defense
136.8-178.2 Total Defense
14 Durability
91 Str Required
60-110 Kick Damage
Item Level: 72
Clvl req: 64
+140-170% Enhanced Defense
20% Faster Run/Walk
20% Faster Hit Recovery
+1 to Maximum Stamina per clvl
50% Slower Stamina Drain
Poison Resist +40-70%
Repairs 1 durability in 20 seconds
+10-15 to Strength
+10-15 to Vitality
Shadow Dancer
Myrmidon Greaves
Ladder Only
62-71 Defense
107.1-144 Total Defense
24 Durability
167 Str Required
83-149 Kick Damage
Item Level: 79
Clvl req: 71
+70-100% Enhanced Defense
30% Faster Run/Walk
30% Faster Hit Recovery
+15-25 to Dexterity
+1-2 to Shadow Disciplines (Assassin Only)
Requirements -20%