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Clay Golem

Clay GolemEdit

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None
Synergies: Clay Golems benefit from points spent in the following skills.

Details: Raises a Golem from the earth to fight for you. Before spending more than one point into Clay Golem consider that you will probably want upgrade to Blood Golem (at 18), Iron Golem (24), or Fire Golem (30), all of which replace the Clay Golem.

  • Notice that higher level clay golems have twice as much HP as other golems.
Defense 20
Skill Level Progression [e]
Slvl Mana Cost



Slow Enemy X%

Slvl Mana Cost



Slow Enemy X%

Slvl Mana Cost



Slow Enemy X%

Slvl Mana Cost



Slow Enemy X%

1 15 2-5 80 11% 6 30 5-13 180 41% 11 45 9-22 280 53% 16 60 12-31 380 60%
2 18 2-6 100 20% 7 33 6-15 200 44% 12 48 9-24 300 54% 17 63 13-33 400 60%
3 21 3-8 120 27% 8 36 6-17 220 46% 13 51 10-26 320 56% 18 66 13-34 420 61%
4 24 4-10 140 33% 9 39 7-19 240 49% 14 54 11-27 340 57% 19 69 14-36 440 62%
5 27 4-12 160 37% 10 42 8-20 260 51% 15 57 11-29 360 58% 20 72 15-38 440 63%
Skill Level Progression [e]
Slvl Clay Life (Normal)

Clay Life (Nightmare)

Clay Life (Hell)

Slvl Clay Life (Normal)

Clay Life (Nightmare)

Clay Life (Hell)

Slvl Clay Life (Normal)

Clay Life (Nightmare)

Clay Life (Hell)

Slvl Clay Life (Normal)

Clay Life (Nightmare)

Clay Life (Hell)

1 100 175 6 275 481 11 450 787 16 625 1093
2 135 236 7 310 542 12 485 848 17 660 1155
3 170 297 8 345 603 13 520 910 18 695 1216
4 205 358 9 380 665 14 555 971 19 730 1277
5 240 420 10 415 726 15 590 1032 20 765 1338

Clay Golem BuildsEdit