From Diablo Wiki
Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Smite
Synergies: Charge receives damage bonuses from points placed in:
Details: A rushing attack that moves the Paladin very quickly to the target. Includes a knock back effect allowing it to be used over and over again on the same enemy, knocking them back until they die or run into an obstacle.
- Despite the icon and location on the skill tree (after Smite) Charge does not require a shield, nor does the shield damage factor into the damage dealt if you have a weapon equipped. Charging with a big damage, two-handed weapon can be very effective.
- Like all of the Paladin's combat skills, Charge is best used on the left click, while an aura is active on the right.
- Charge can not be used in melee range; only from further away. Smite for the knock back, then Charge is a useful combination.
- Charge can be used without a target by holding down the shift key. This will let your Paladin traverse long distances very quickly, though it uses up a lot of mana and leaves minions far behind.
- Bugs with Charge can freeze the Paladin in place, or make him walk backwards (the moonwalk bug). Switching weapons or getting hit will usually snap him out of it.
- Charge was the favorite low level PK skill in early D2 days. Beware low level Paladins with Vigor and big two-handed weapons. (Such as Bonesnap.)
Charging Speed[edit]
ChargeSpeed = BaseRunSpeed * (1 + Skill_FRW / 100 + Armor_Speed / 100) * 150%
where the terms are as above. By substituting BaseRunSpeed and multiplying it by 150%, we get:
ChargeSpeed = 9 yards/s * (1 + Skill_FRW / 100 + Armor_Speed / 100)
There is no lower limit to ChargeSpeed. It can be even negative.
Mana: | 9 |
Skill Level Progression [e] |
Slvl | Damage
Slvl | Damage
Slvl | Damage
Slvl | Damage
1 | +100% | 50% | 6 | +225% | 125% | 11 | +350% | 200% | 16 | +475% | 275% |
2 | +125% | 65% | 7 | +250% | 140% | 12 | +375% | 215% | 17 | +500% | 290% |
3 | +150% | 80% | 8 | +275% | 155% | 13 | +400% | 230% | 18 | +525% | 305% |
4 | +175% | 95% | 9 | +300% | 170% | 14 | +425% | 245% | 19 | +550% | 320% |
5 | +200% | 110% | 10 | +325% | 185% | 15 | +450% | 260% | 20 | +575% | 335% |
Charged Builds[edit]
Classes of the Diablo games - Skills [e] Diablo II: Amazon Barb Necro Paladin Sorceress LoD: Assassin Druid Other: Diablo I Diablo III |