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Required Level: 12

Prerequisites: Bash
Details: Stun leaves a monster standing motionless, a spinning circle over their head, for some time.

  • This can be used on multiple targets in rapid succession, or to keep one target stunned for risk-free killing.
  • Stun does not add bonus damage, so this is best used when needed for defensive purposes, while other attack skills are utilized to more quickly kill the target.
  • Act Bosses can not be stunned.
  • Most boss monsters, including SuperUniques, have a high resistance to stun, but will succumb to repeated stunning blows.


  • Receives Bonuses From:
  • Provides Bonuses To: None

Lore: An experienced Barbarian can learn to strike an opponent in areas that promote the maximum effect. By putting enough strength behind a well-placed blow, he can leave an opponent dazed and unable to strike back or flee.

Mana Cost: 2
Skill Level Progression [e]
Slvl AR +X%

Duration (seconds)

Slvl AR +X%

Duration (seconds)

Slvl AR +X%

Duration (seconds)

Slvl AR +X%

Duration (seconds)

1 15% 1.2 6 40% 2.2 11 65% 3.2 16 90% 4.2
2 20% 1.4 7 45% 2.4 12 70% 3.4 17 95% 4.2
3 25% 1.6 8 50% 2.6 13 75% 3.6 18 100% 4.3
4 30% 1.8 9 55% 2.8 14 80% 3.8 19 105% 4.4
5 35% 2.0 10 60% 3.0 15 85% 4.0 20 110% 4.5