Valkyrie is a level 30 skill from the Amazon's Passive and Magic Skill Tree.
Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Inner Sight, Dodge, Slow Missiles, Avoid, Decoy, Evade
Synergies: Valkyries receive bonuses from points spent in the following skills:
Details: Valkyries are powerful magical tanks. They spawn with high defense and hit points, and can stand up to a tremendous amount of damage. Their attacks aren't generally very powerful, but in v1.11 they can kill weaker monsters, plus they spawn with random equipment that changes the colour of their armor. Some Valkyries can spawn with very useful mods, such as "% chance to cast Frost Nova" on armor, or or "% chance to cast Amplify Damage" on their spears, for instance. See Discussion page for details.
- Valkyries regenerate health at a good rate. They can also be healed by NPCs in town, or the Paladin's prayer aura. Recasting is also an option, but their equipment will be rerolled randomly, and it's sometimes worth making an effort to preserve a Valkyrie with helpful modifiers.
- Valks receive the same benefit from the Dodge/Avoid/Evade skills as the Amazon. They never display the animation, but they will make the sound sometimes, and their stats are helped. More details below.
Skill Level Progression [e] |
Slvl | Mana Cost
Dmg +X%
AR +X%
Def +X%
Slvl | Mana Cost
Dmg +X%
AR +X%
Def +X%
Slvl | Mana Cost
Dmg +X%
AR +X%
Def +X%
Slvl | Mana Cost
Dmg +X%
AR +X%
Def +X%
1 | 25 | 528 | 0% | 40% | 0% | 6 | 30 | 968 | 125% | 240% | 50% | 11 | 35 | 1408 | 250% | 440% | 100% | 16 | 40 | 1848 | 375% | 640% | 150% |
2 | 26 | 616 | 25% | 80% | 10% | 7 | 31 | 1056 | 150% | 280% | 60% | 12 | 36 | 1496 | 275% | 480% | 110% | 17 | 41 | 1936 | 400% | 680% | 160% |
3 | 27 | 704 | 50% | 120% | 20% | 8 | 32 | 1144 | 175% | 320% | 70% | 13 | 37 | 1584 | 300% | 520% | 120% | 18 | 42 | 2024 | 425% | 720% | 170% |
4 | 28 | 792 | 75% | 160% | 30% | 9 | 32 | 1232 | 200% | 360% | 80% | 14 | 38 | 1672 | 325% | 560% | 130% | 19 | 43 | 2112 | 450% | 760% | 180% |
5 | 29 | 880 | 100% | 200% | 40% | 10 | 34 | 1320 | 225% | 400% | 90% | 15 | 39 | 1760 | 350% | 600% | 140% | 20 | 44 | 2200 | 475% | 800% | 190% |
Hidden Valkyrie Stats Only found in v1.10+.
- Resistances: The Valkyries' resistances are equal to their level * 2, to a max of 85. So a level 10 Valkyrie will have +20 Resist All. Valkyries also get a hidden synergy bonus from Decoy, where every physical point in Decoy will add +2 Resist All. The whole formula comes out as = (Valkyrie level + Base Decoy Level ) * 2
- Magic Level: The equipment that a Valkyrie is spawned with is based on her Magic Level, i.e. the ilvl that her equipment is spawned with, therefore denoting which mods can be spawned. The Magic Level of any Valkyrie is equal to a base of 25 at level 1, and increases by 3 for each level.
- Dexterity: Valkyries receive a bonus of Dexterity of +12 per level. A level 12 Valkyrie will have 144 dexterity points. Valks gain bonuses of attack rating and defense much like any character, but this is not reflected in their skill description.
- Valkyrie Health = 440 * (1 + 0.2 * (Valkyrie level + Decoy Level - 1))
When a warrior has proven her devotion to Athulua through her brave deeds and exceptional skill in battle, the Goddess shows her favour by granting a spiritual emissary to aid the Amazon. These emissaries of Athulua are called Valkyrie, and they are the spirits of the greatest heroes from the Amazon people. The power to summon a Valkyrie is the greatest honour that an Amazon warrior can receive. It is believed this gift is a sign that your place beside the Goddess is assured when you pass from this world-perhaps even as a Valkyrie.
=Valkyrie Builds[edit]
- Multiple Shot/Guided Arrow Amazon (Physical Bowazon) Build
- Frost/Fire Bow Amazon (Bowazon) Build
- Lightning Fury/Charged Strik Amazon (Javazon) Build
- Freezing Arrow Frostmaiden Amazon Build
Classes of the Diablo games - Skills [e] Diablo II: Amazon Barb Necro Paladin Sorceress LoD: Assassin Druid Other: Diablo I Diablo III |