From Diablo Wiki
Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Might, Thorns, Holy Fire, Holy Freeze, Sanctuary
Synergies: None.
Details: This aura lowers the defense and fire, lightning, and cold resistances of monsters, making it ideal to pair with an elemental weapon or skill, such as Vengeance. It's especially useful in parties with Sorceresses and Lightning Fury Amazons.
- This aura does not lower an enemy's magic or poison resistance.
- This aura will break immunities, but when doing so will only function at 1/5 its usual effectiveness.
- Prior to the MSLE (MultiShot Lightning Enchanted) boss monster bug being fixed in v1.10, boss monsters with Conviction and MSLE was instant death for any character, no matter their hit points or resistances. Bosses with Conviction and LE, or Fire Enchanted death explosions, are still dangerous.
Radius: | 13.3 Yards |
Skill Level Progression [e] |
Slvl | Defense
Max Resist
Slvl | Defense
Max Resist
Slvl | Defense
Max Resist
Slvl | Defense
Max Resist
1 | -49% | -30% | 6 | -73% | -55% | 11 | -82% | -80% | 16 | -88% | -105% |
2 | -56% | -35% | 7 | -75% | -60% | 12 | -83% | -85% | 17 | -88% | -110% |
3 | -61% | -40% | 8 | -77% | -65% | 13 | -85% | -90% | 18 | -89% | -115% |
4 | -66% | -45% | 9 | -79% | -70% | 14 | -86% | -95% | 19 | -89% | -120% |
5 | -70% | -50% | 10 | -80% | -75% | 15 | -86% | -100% | 20 | -90% | -125% |
Conviction Builds[edit]
Classes of the Diablo games - Skills [e] Diablo II: Amazon Barb Necro Paladin Sorceress LoD: Assassin Druid Other: Diablo I Diablo III |