Natural Resistance

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Natural Resistance

Required Level: 30

Prerequisites: Iron Skin
Notes: One of the most powerful passive skills in the game, Natural Resistance allows Barbarians to go with much more offensive equipment, since this skill can add as much resistance as a good shield. Diminishing returns set heavily on this skill past about level five, but more points still help, and +skill equipment work nicely with this and all the Barbarian's other passive skills.

Skill Level Progression [e]
Slvl Elemental Resistances +X%

Slvl Elemental Resistances +X%

Slvl Elemental Resistances +X%

Slvl Elemental Resistances +X%

1 12% 6 44% 11 56% 16 64%
2 21% 7 47% 12 58% 17 64%
3 28% 8 49% 13 60% 18 65%
4 35% 9 52% 14 61% 19 66%
5 40% 10 54% 15 62% 20 67%

Nature Resistance Builds