- Where you looking for piercing, the special modifier?
Pierce is a level 30 skill from the Amazon's Passive and Magic Skill Tree.
Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Critical Strike, Penetrate
Synergies: None
Details: This skill gives the Amazon's projectiles, javelins, bolts, or arrows, a chance to pass through a target and continue on, possibly hitting a second (or third, or fourth) enemy. Each target takes the full damage of the attack, including all possible skill bonuses, elemental hits, etc.
- Pierce is most noticeable when monsters are in a tight cluster or a long row, such as in narrow hallways.
- Pierce pairs very well with Lightning Fury, but helps a lot on all of the bow skills (especially Strafe) and other ranged attacks as well.
Skill Level Progression [e] |
Slvl | Pierce Chance
Slvl | Pierce Chance
Slvl | Pierce Chance
Slvl | Pierce Chance
1 | 23% | 6 | 59% | 11 | 73% | 16 | 82% |
2 | 34% | 7 | 63% | 12 | 75% | 17 | 82% |
3 | 42% | 8 | 65% | 13 | 77% | 18 | 83% |
4 | 49% | 9 | 69% | 14 | 79% | 19 | 84% |
5 | 55% | 10 | 71% | 15 | 80% | 20 | 85% |
Pierce's true power is revealed with a look at the odds of hitting multiple targets. More points don't make that big a difference in the odds of hitting two enemies, but the odds are compounded when figuring if a given shot will hit three or four or five enemies. This makes a huge difference when using a skill that triggers on each hit, such as Lightning Fury or Immolation Arrow.
Slvl / Targets |
10 | 12 | 14 | 16 | 18 | 20 | 25 |
1 | 71% | 75% | 79% | 82% | 83% | 85% | 90% |
2 | 50% | 56% | 62% | 67% | 69% | 75% | 81% |
3 | 36% | 42% | 49% | 55% | 57% | 61% | 73% |
4 | 25% | 32% | 39% | 45% | 47% | 52% | 65% |
5 | 18% | 24% | 31% | 37% | 39% | 44% | 59% |
After long hours of training, an Amazon warrior's bow arm can develop tremendous strength. With this strength, and some additional training, the Amazon is able to maximize the power of her bow, enabling her to penetrate multiple targets with a single arrow.
Pierce Builds[edit]
- Multiple Shot/Guided Arrow Amazon (Physical Bowazon) Build
- Frost/Fire Bow Amazon (Bowazon) Build
- Lightning Fury/Charged Strik Amazon (Javazon) Build
- Freezing Arrow Frostmaiden Amazon Build
Classes of the Diablo games - Skills [e] Diablo II: Amazon Barb Necro Paladin Sorceress LoD: Assassin Druid Other: Diablo I Diablo III |