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Sand Raider

Sand Raider
Diablo II Monsters [e]
Complete Monster Listing
Monster Categories
Act BossesGuest Monsters
Uber Monsters
Monster Type
Sand Raider:
is a Monster
and an Animal
and a Guest Monster

Sand Raiders are Animals.

Four armed melee battlers, Sand Raiders are tall, skinny, fast hitting monsters most often found in the surface areas of Act Two. They stalk around like living stilts, brandishing four swords though they only ever use two of them, and can be quite dangerous in numbers.

  • All values are listed by difficulty level: Normal / Nightmare / Hell.


  • The TC/Rune drops listed are the highest Treasure Class/Rune Group a normal monster of that type can drop.
    • TC Champions and Bosses can sometimes drop from the next higher group.
    • The max TC/Rune possible may depend on which level a monster spawns in, and can be lower than the maximum. See the item calculators to ascertain precisely what a monster from a given area can drop.
Type Level Experience Hit Points Max TC/Rune
Sand Raider 13 / 43 / 74 180 / 5357 / 47119 59-92 / 1031-1375 / 4978-8850 15/Nef, 45/Ko, 72/Ber
Marauder 17 / 46 / 77 263 / 6566 / 52419 80-127 / 1170-1560 / 5328-9471 18/Nef, 51/Lem, 75/Ber
Invader 18 / 47 / 78 290 / 7022 / 54186 86-135 / 1215-1620 / 5444-9678 18/Nef, 51/Lem, 75/Ber
Infidel 24 / 53 / 81 509 / 10342 / 59486 126-198 / 1491-1989 / 5794-10299 24/Ral, 54/Um, 78/Cham
Assailant 26 / 59 / 84 618 / 14671 / 64786 142-222 / 1767-2356 / 6142-10920 -- , 66/Vex, 87/Zod


Sand Raiders have elemental attacks, some fire, others cold, that work like the Sorceress' Enchant skill. Once they are activated by a successful hit, all the hits for a certain amount of time gain the elemental damage boost.

  • Speed rates a monster's movement speed from 1-10. (Some special monsters are faster than 10. See below.)
Type Speed Melee Attack #1 Attack Rating #1 Melee Attack #2 Attack Rating #2 Elemental
Sand Raider 5 / 5 / 5 6-9 / 23-39 / 55-93 213 / 1512 / 5232 9-12 / 39-50 / 93-119 219 / 1555 / 5382 Fire: 1 / 1-16 / 1-36
Marauder 5 / 5 / 5 7-11 / 25-42 / 56-95 290 / 1606 / 5432 12-15 / 42-54 / 95-121 298 / 1652 / 5587 Cold: 1-6 (4s) / 1-21 (10s) / 1-41 (18s)
Invader 6 / 6 / 6 8-11 / 25-42 / 57-97 311 / 1638 / 5498 13-16 / 42-54 / 97-124 318 / 1684 / 5655 Fire: 1-11 / 1-26 / 1-46
Infidel 6 / 6 / 6 10-15 / 28-48 / 60-102 427 / 1827 / 5698 17-22 / 48-61 / 102-130 437 / 1879 / 5860 Cold: 1-16 (8s) / 1-31 (14s) / 1-51 (22s)
Assailant 15 / 15 / 15 11-16 / 31-53 / 61-103 466 / 2016 / 5897 18-23 / 53-68 / 103-131 477 / 2073 / 6066 Fire: - / 1-61 / 1-81


  • Drain Effectiveness tells what % of a character's mana and life steal apply to that monster. 100 is all, 0 is none.
  • Chill Effectiveness tells what % of a character's cold length applies to the monster. 100 is all, 0 is no freeze/chill at all.
Type Defense Blocking Drain Effectiveness Chill Effectiveness
Sand Raider 65 / 673 / 1603 25% 100 / 75 / 66 50 / 45 / 40
Marauder 85 / 712 / 1661 32% 100 / 75 / 66 50 / 45 / 40
Invader 90 / 726 / 1680 34% 100 / 75 / 66 50 / 45 / 40
Infidel 122 / 805 / 1739 44% 100 / 75 / 66 50 / 45 / 40
Assailant 131 / 884 / 1797 48% 100 / 75 / 66 50 / 45 / 40


  • Resistances over 99% are listed as immunities and monsters will take no damage from that type of attack.
  • Immunities can be "broken" by skills that lower resistance, if the value drops below 99%. See the Resistances page for more details.
Type Physical Magic Fire Cold Lightning Poison
Sand Raider 0% / 0% / 25% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 100% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 50% 0% / 0% / 33%
Marauder 0% / 0% / 25% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 50% 0% / 0% / 100% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 33%
Invader 0% / 0% / 25% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 110% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 50% 0% / 0% / 33%
Infidel 0% / 0% / 25% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 5% 0% / 0% / 110% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 33%
Assailant 0% / 0% / 25% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 120% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 50% 0% / 0% / 33%


  • Guest Monsters are found only in Act Five, and only on Nightmare and Hell difficulty levels.
  • Monsters in areas marked "Boss Only" will only appear as random bosses or champions.
  • Monsters in areas marked "No Boss" will never appear as random bosses or champions.
Type Normal, Nightmare, and Hell
Sand Raider Act 2: Sewers 1-2
Marauder Act 2: Lost City
Invader Act 2: Ancient Tunnels, Harem 2, Palace Cellar 1-3
Infidel Act 3: Kurast Causeway
Assailant --
Guest Monsters (Act Five, NM/Hell only)
Invader Worldstone Keep Level 1
Infidel Crystalline Passage, Drifter Cavern, Halls of Pain
Assailant Throne of Destruction