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Diablo II Monsters [e]
Complete Monster Listing
Monster Categories
Act BossesGuest Monsters
Uber Monsters
Monster Type
is a Monster
and an Animal
and a Guest Monster

Leapers are Animals.

These pesky creatures largely inhabit the desert regions. Although other species are known to exist, the desert leapers are the most common. Leapers get their name from their tremendous leaping ability. As a result, these extremely agile creatures make for difficult targets. Leapers are versatile animals and the desert variety has an extremely slow resting metabolism to minimize water use and storage. The harsh environment of the Aranoch, however, leaves little room for mistakes, and these creatures never pass up the opportunity to eat or drink. Packs sighting a potential meal leave their resting spots and work together to bring down their quarry with great tenacity.

Leapers are aptly-named, since they regularly propel themselves in wild hopping attacks. They also engage in ankle-slashing melee combat, and can even deal poison damage on Nightmare and Hell difficulties.

Killing Leapers can be time-consuming, since they flop backwards when they are hit, moving out of melee range each time. They also tend to run if chased. It's best to stand and wait for them to come to you, and try to knock them back into a wall or other object so they will hold still and die. Leapers can be frozen, locking them into place, and they are highly susceptible to ranged attacks, such as Strafe.

Leapers cannot be Revived by the Necromancer's spell, though skeletons can be raised from their corpses.

  • All values are listed by difficulty level: Normal / Nightmare / Hell.


  • The TC/Rune drops listed are the highest Treasure Class/Rune Group a normal monster of that type can drop.
    • TC Champions and Bosses can sometimes drop from the next higher group.
    • The max TC/Rune possible may depend on which level a monster spawns in, and can be lower than the maximum. See the item calculators to ascertain precisely what a monster from a given area can drop.
Type Level Experience Hit Points Speed Max TC/Rune
Sand Leaper 14 / 43 / 75 158 / 3914 / 35724 32-93 / 305-611 / 1509-4025 10 15/Nef, 45/Ko, 72/Ber
Cave Leaper 15 / 44 / 76 174 / 4188 / 37015 34-100 / 318-637 / 1544-4117 8 18/Nef, 51/Lem, 75/Ber
Tomb Creeper 17 / 46 / 77 211 / 4798 / 38306 38-115 / 346-693 / 1578-4209 8 15/Nef, 48/Ko, 75/Ber
Tree Lurker 22 / 52 / 80 341 / 7130 / 42180 55-161 / 428-856 / 1682-4485 8 24/Ral, 54/Um, 78/Cham
Cliff Lurker 26 / 56 / 82 497 / 9003 / 44762 68-204 / 483-966 / 1751-4469 8 33/Sol, 57/Um, 84/Zod
Guest Monsters (Act Five, NM/Hell only)
Cave Leaper -- / 61 / 82 -- / 12046 / 44762 -- / 51-1103 / 2334-4669 8 --, 60/Ist, 84/Zod
Tomb Creeper -- / 63 / 83 -- / 13536 / 46053 -- / 305-611 / 2012-4025 8 --, 63/Vex, 87/Zod


  • Leapers have a chance to deal additional poison damage when they make a successful hit.
  • On Nightmare and Hell, they may land extra bonus leaping attacks. (On normal they leap, but do no damage with their leaps.)
  • Guest Monster leapers add bonus cold damage to their melee and leaping attacks.)
Type Melee Dmg Elemental Dmg Leap Attack Attack Ratings
Sand Leaper 6-12 / 23-43 / 55-102 Poison Damage: Norm: --
Night, 5%: 14 over 4sec (3.5/sec)
Hell, 10%: 75 over 6s (12.5/sec)
-- / 19-36 / 46-85 Melee: 125 / 864 / 3028
Leap: -- / 777 / 2725
Cave Leaper 6-12 / 24-44 / 56-104 Poison Damage: Norm: --
Night, 5%: 14 over 4s (3.6/sec)
Hell, 10%: 76 over 6s (12.7/sec)
-- / 20-37 / 47-87 Melee:152 / 918 / 3104
Leap: -- / 826 / 2793
Tomb Creeper 7-14 / 25-46 / 56-104 Poison Damage: Norm: --
Night, 5%: 15 over 4s (3.8/sec)
Hell, 10%: 76 over 6s (12.7/sec)

-- / 21-39 / 47-87
Melee: 135 / 882 / 3066
Leap: -- / 793 / 2759
Tree Lurker 9-17 / 27-51 / 59-109 Poison Damage: Norm: --
Night, 5%: 17 over 4s (4.2/sec)
Hell, 10% 80 over 6s (13.3/sec)
-- / 23-43 / 50-91 Melee: 207 / 1026 / 3218
Leap: -- / 923 / 2896
Cliff Lurker 10-20 / 30-56 / 60-111 Poison Damage: Norm: --
Night, 5%: 18 over 4s (4.6/sec)
Hell, 10%: 82 over 6s (13.6/sec)
-- / 25-47 / 51-93 Melee: 246 / 1098 / 3294
Leap: -- / 988 / 2964
Guest Monsters (Act Five, NM/Hell only)
Cave Leaper -- / 33-61 / 60-111 Cold Damage:
-- / 16-33 (3 sec) /30-61 (4 sec)
Night: 28-51 + 17-34 (Cold, 3s)
Hell: 51-93 + 31-62 (Cold, 4s)
Melee: -- / 1188 / 3294
Leap: -- / 1069 / 2964
Tomb Creeper -- / 33-62 / 61-112 Cold Damage:
-- / 17-34 (3 sec) / 31-62 (4 sec)
Night: 28-52 + 17-34 (Cold, 3s)
Hell: 51-94 + 31-62 (Cold, 4s)
Melee: -- / 1224 / 3332
Leap: -- / 1101 / 2998


  • Regen Rate tells what % of a monster's hit points are recovered per second. Standard is 1.2/sec.
  • Blocking values are assigned to every monster in the game, but the ability is seldom enabled, so most monsters can not block (Hence the blocking % given on most Diablo II monster pages, including Blizzard's, is inaccurate.) When enabled, blocking tells what % of successful, blockable attacks will not damage the monster. Monsters need not carry a shield to block.
  • Drain Effectiveness tells what % of a character's mana and life steal apply to that monster. 100 is all, 0 is none.
  • Chill Effectiveness tells what % of a character's cold length applies to the monster. 100 is all, 0 is no freeze/chill at all.
Type Defense Blocking Regen Rate Drain Effectiveness Chill Effectiveness
Sand Leaper 70 / 795 / 1917 -- 1.2% 100 / 85 / 75 50 / 40 / 33
Cave Leaper 75 / 811 / 1940 -- 1.2% 100 / 85 / 75 50 / 40 / 33
Tomb Creeper 85 / 842 / 1963 -- 1.2% 100 / 85 / 75 50 / 40 / 33
Tree Lurker 112 / 936 / 2031 -- 1.2% 100 / 85 / 75 50 / 40 / 33
Cliff Lurker 131 / 998 / 2077 -- 1.2% 100 / 85 / 75 50 / 40 / 33
Guest Monsters (Act Five, NM/Hell only)
Cave Leaper -- / 1076 / 2077 -- 3.1% -- / 85 / 75 -- / 40 / 33
Tomb Creeper -- / 795 / 1917 -- 3.1% -- / 85 / 75 -- / 40 / 33


  • Resistances over 99% are listed as immunities and monsters will take no damage from that type of attack.
  • Immunities can be "broken" by skills that lower resistance, if the value drops below 99%. See the Resistances page for more details.
Type Physical Fire Cold Lightning Poison Magic
Sand Leaper 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 50% / 100% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 0%
Cave Leaper 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 50% / 100% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 0%
Tomb Creeper 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 0% 40% / 60% / 105% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 0%
Tree Lurker 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 0% 20% / 70% / 80% 0% / 0% / 0% 40% / 70% / 100% 0% / 0% / 0%
Cliff Lurker 20% / 20% / 25% 0% / 0% / 0% 60% / 80% / 80% 0% / 0% / 0% 40% / 70% / 100% 0% / 0% / 0%
Guest Monsters (Act Five, NM/Hell only)
Cave Leaper -- / 0% / 0% -- / 0% / 33% -- / 50% / 100% -- / 25% / 0% -- / 0% / 15% -- / 0% / 25%
Tomb Creeper -- / 0% / 0% -- / 0% / 33% -- / 50% / 120% -- / 25% / 0% -- / 0% / 15% -- / 0% / 25%


  • Guest Monsters are found only in Act Five, and only on Nightmare and Hell difficulty levels.
  • Monsters in areas marked "Boss Only" will only appear as random bosses or champions.
  • Monsters in areas marked "No Boss" will never appear as random bosses or champions.
Type Acts 1-4: Normal, Nightmare, and Hell
Sand Leaper Act 2: Rocky Waste
Cave Leaper Act 2: Dry Hills
Tomb Creeper Act 2: Lost City
Tree Lurker Act 3: Lower Kurast
Cliff Lurker Act 4: Outer Steppes
Guest Monsters (Act Five, NM/Hell only)
Cave Leaper Crystalline Passage
Tomb Creeper Halls of Anguish