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Revision as of 16:00, 9 December 2009

This wiki houses an extensive collection of strategy guides for Diablo and Hellfire. Most of these are archived guides originally written in the late 1990s, during Diablo's heyday, and are as useful now as they were then. Here follows a listing of various strategy offerings. See the Diablo Strategies category for a full list of quick links.

  • For discussion of Diablo and Hellfire strategies with players who still play the games, check out the Diablo I Forum at the Unofficial Site.

General Information

Monster Strategies

Spell and Combat Advice

  • Melee 101 -- Tips and tricks for better melee combat, beginner and advanced.
  • Spellcraft 101 -- Detailed techniques for every spell in the game.
  • D1_Spellbooks Encyclopedia coverage of everything related to spells, magic reqs, mana costs, and much more.
  • Telekill -- Telekilling Tips and Tricks for Warriors and everyone else.
  • Chain Lightning Tutorial -- Detailed discussion of this tricky spell. With screenshots.
  • Charged Bolt Tutorial -- Detailed discussion of this tricky spell. With screenshots.
  • Flash Tutorial -- Detailed discussion of this tricky spell. With screenshots.
  • Lightning Tutorial -- Detailed discussion of this tricky spell. With screenshots.

Character Specific Guides

Barbarian Strategies

Bard Strategies

Monk Strategies

Rogue Strategies

Sorcerer Strategies

Warrior Strategies


Thanks to all of the old regulars on the DSF, Blizzard's Battle.net Diablo Strategy Forum, for writing most of these guides and going through the arguments required to arrive at the wisdom expressed through them. Also thanks to the Freshman Diablo site for archiving many of them over the long years.

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Diablo and Hellfire Navigation -- Diablo Basics [e]


Base Items

Miscellaneous Items


Other Essentials

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Quests in Diablo and Hellfire -- Quest General Info -- D1 & HF Quest Items [e]





Hellfire Quests:

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Diablo I Monsters [e] Hellfire Monsters Special Monsters Diablo Monster Info



The Hive

The Crypt

In Diablo:

In Hellfire